
Does it hurt you when you have a mammogram?

A girl surrounded by 5th grade have her period!?

I have my first one yesterday. I also have huge breasts. (DD). Mine have be through breast feeding two kids and cheerleading when I be a teenager so deeply of the muscle has "given up" lol, but to share you the truth regarding the mammogram, I be really angry that women have made such a big agreement about the misery. All I have ever hear my entire life is how much it hurt. I be more uncomfortable near the cold machine and cold techs hand then the squeezing during the xray module. If you are cooperative and still for the 5 seconds it take once you are in position for the xray to be taken later its no biggie at all!! I feel by listening to adjectives of the horror stories about the "pain", if I have not found a lump in my breast ending week (im 40), I probably would have put this stale for many years due to unrealistic fears. If you hold ever had a boyfriend touch your breasts the method most boyfriends do during intimate times, then you can do this and will probably crow at how much it didnt hurt! We all want to spread the word that the "pain" part of a mammogram is course over exaggerated and if someone gets a tech that isnt as scant and helpful as they should be, the 5 second of a little pressure is still totally worth what it could make clear to you if there be anything wrong and you caught it early.


Can't Orgasm?

It is not a pleasant experience, but it is not that doomed to failure either. Do it if your doctor prescribed it. It is meaningful. Good luck.

Have you ever gotten something stuck in your vajayjay?

No it is a type of scanning.

The depression medication I am on have decreased my sex drive immensely. What can I do to perk it vertebrae up?

They have up to date machines now at indubitable hospitals that have a spring-like item and it doesn't hurt a bit. Was only for a time bit squeezy before that and didn't *hurt* anyway, be just mortified for a few seconds.

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