What's stirring to me?!?! (Girls only)?

I haven't had my term at all this month and I'm still a virgin...what should I do?

I obligation to lose weight because i enjoy high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol and I want to get rotten of the med

Stop worrying. It is not unusual. You can get several months, although it is not on top form. Take a nice warm hip bath, lots of good smelly things in the marine, take a mag contained by with you and RELAX. Nature take its own time. But if this continues you should see your family doctor and possibly use the birth control pill to procure yourself regular. But for now, turn take a nice thaw out bath and relax.

Okay i sweat adjectives the time no matter what i use the right deoderant but i cant find anything to assistance. ideas?

if it have not been that long since you started you spell then it is average...if if has be over a year then you can be in motion to ur gyno and hey will help...you can lug birth control pills to help regulate it

How desperate IS IT to take a shower during my term?

If your period lately started, your body has to gain used to its schedule.

Can anyone enlighten me when the birth control pill should start working on acne?

go to the doc, probably no big deal, don't verbs

Omg this a serious question plz answer!?

Just because you skipped a month doesn't imply your pregnant. You get missed period for a lot of reason including being sick next to a cold or flu, stressed out because your taking a test or you newly didn't ovulate this month so nothing to discharge.

What is the side effect long-lasting or not permanent for taking birth control pills for men?

There are profusely of reasons you can skip a spell, from nerves and stress to being deeply active. It can also be an infection or that you own been in poor health. You can go to a doctor and enjoy it checked out. But I probably would wait a month, unless you are have pain, and lately see if it shows up.

Should I get a Breast Reduction?

watch your diet and other change you may have made within your life.

PROBLEM?! why do i bleed?

If ne 1 know the answer pleez tell me. I own the Same Problem...i usually have it around the 13th but its 28th and it hasn't come

13 workout?

Relax. The first few years your time will be irregular. You could skip several months in a row and still be fine. If you are over 18 yrs elderly go converse to your doctor and see if you have a problem.

After laprascopic surgery, my dr. said I have an ovary stuck behind my uterus. Why?

Sometimes that happen if you have a sudden swing in diet, exercise routine, or stress level. If you're a virgin, you don't really have to verbs about anything. Sometimes your body purely skips a month.

Should I change doctors or bequeath her another chance?

It's a moment ago irregular. It happens. Don't verbs about it. You'll most promising start early subsequent month.


For those of u who have have D&C done?

Your period will never be exact. It may rise and fall by as much as a week at times. Stop stessing over it and let humour take it's course. If you miss more than one, converse to your mom or the health nurse at academy.

Birth Control?

It depends. periods come about 28 days after ur last 1. And it doesn't event if ur a virgin, I am. Sure it mite not b kewl, but ur safe from getting an STD.

Please, with the sole purpose girls, I need sustain with my tampon!?

don't verbs about it. it is totally run of the mill if you have lately started getting your period. even then it can be, everyone has different cycles. someone i know solely gets her spell every 3 months or so.

I have never experienced an orgasm. What is wrong?

Has a manly ejaculated anywhere in the vicinity your vagina (at the opening minus penetration)? What is your body fat percentage? Are you stressed out? Do you own a family history of any type of reproductive issues (early menopause, fibroids, etc).
A stop by to your local GYN doctor could be of help here.

Do youthful girls fart?

Sometimes when women are under profusely more stress than usual they can skip a period once contained by a while. If you are taking birth control pills you may skip periods too. If you skip more than a month, move about to the doctor and they can give you a shot to kind you start your period. It happend to me a couple of times and inwardly a few days I started.

I am interested in taking the depo provera shot.?

ummm gee this is a hard one..... GO TO THE DR'S in that could be a number of things wrong near you and they could b serious especially if there is no possible road you could b pregnant

Fibroadenoma: What should I do?

See "Other Issues that Can Interrupt Menstruation" at http://www.womens-health.co.uk/stopill.a...

Gall stones ladies question but men might know how to answer too?

i read that irregular periods for the first couple of years are mundane; but, after that, when you've started to menstruate regularly, causes of irregularity include a cash in diet, increase in exercise or drug use. perchance you should talk beside your doctor if you're concerned.

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