Headaches. Help!! Does anyone no any cures?

I have be having awful headaches for former times years and now they are getting worser by the minute. Anything seem to trigger my headaches and no medication seems to back. My doctors don't no what to do and sometimes my headaches take so terrible that I can't contemplate and get really skinny. I have fallin out ,but I didn't communicate my mom because I didn't want her to worry. Now I am getting scarried that I might own a tumor or something. Does anyone no any home remidies that might work? Please hurry before it's to slowly! I have have a history of bladder and kidney problems.

I'm a liittle worried about My growth of my.. ya no!?

Whenever a headache strikes drink lots of wet .Lack of oxygen may have head to your headache. Place a few ice-cubes in a polythene daypack, and apply this on the forehead and temples. Check out http://useinfo-headache.blogspot.com/... for more info

Cramping untimely?

Go to the doctor..You could either enjoy Migraines. Or Something could be wrong in your brain just step to the doctor u don't wanna find out too late.

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I really don't know of any home remidies for the type of headache you are describing.. You may need to consult beside another doctor or a headache specialist.

Your doctor may recommend different types of treatment to try or he or she may recommend further testing.

The proper treatment will depend on several factor, including the type and frequency of the headache and its cause. Not adjectives headaches require medical attention. Treatment may include childhood, counseling, stress management, biofeedback and medication. The treatment prescribed for you will be tailored to meet your specific wants.

So im a chick teenager..?

I'd turn to a neurologist - your general doctor should be capable of recommend a good one. It would be a devout idea for them to do a ct scan or mri to rule out brain tumors, lesion to do with ms, etc or to diagnose migraines. The ratification out is not good, and you should relay someone about it. An overall checkup contained by general is also probably a honourable idea. Blood pressure problems can create headaches & ratification out, also. In any case, explain to someone & see a doctor! I hope you're feeling better soon!

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