Fibrocystic Breasts?

I'm very young-looking, definitely underneath the age of 30 (Most women with Fibrocystic breasts are between 30-50) and I enjoy what seems to be fibrocystic breasts, except for I own no pain, similar to most do. Is it possible to have lumpier breasts than most but not hold fibrocystic breasts? Should I be concerned and ask my doctor this? It is hard to self examine when you can't interpret between good and unpromising lumps. I'm still developing, but I am still concerned.

Ladies please help, this girl im discussion to said she has hpv?

My sister be diagnosed with fibrocystic breasts within her 20's and never had any misery. The doctor found a lump, then another. They removed one lump and did a biopsy to be particular and the rest they just hang on to an eye on for strange changes. Go to your doctor or OB/GYN. While you're getting checked, ask him/her to show you how to do a perfect breast exam. I agree it's hard to check for lumps contained by such a lumpy place!

Have you been near someone with 38 cm?

fibrocystic disease is not a clinical diagnosis its hystological. Meaning you necessitate a biopsy to make that diagnosis

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Your breast are probably lumpy because of fibrocystic breast disease..just kind sure that the lumps are not hard..if so, inform your doctor of your findings...

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