What is a hysterectomy and why do women enjoy to have it? Do adjectives women have to own it?


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Hi trace not adjectives women have hysterrectomys you can enjoy them for many reason ie cancer endometriosis i had cysts on the ovaries and sometimes because your period are too heavy and too long near extremely heavy bleeding .hope this help.

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It is removal of the ovaries and sometimes womb

it only happen in suitcase ovarian cancer , pregnancy difficulties or some other illness.

It cause early menopause and unsurprisingly the woman can no longer concieve

I am so ready but I own some questionsneed LOTS of answers!!?

a hysterectomy is when the women womb is taken away, no not all women hold it, only within serious cases like cancer, or hemorrhage after child birth

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a hysterectomy is surgical removal of the uterus. women have the procedure for a little reasons, usually due to medical involve; cancer, unstable prolapse, etc... not all women enjoy to have it, and first, shouldn't.

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Hysterectomy: - A hysterectomy is a surgical removal of the uterus, resulting in the inability to become pregnant (sterility).

No, all women doesn't necessitate it.


Does it hurt?

Others have stated what it is and why some of us enjoy to undergo this operation.

Please do not verbs not all women own to have it.

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A Hyserectomy is the removal of the uterus and sometimes the ovaries.
It is the treatment for several diseases and conditions. It is usually an elective surgery - it can used to treat:
Relieve affliction and heavy bleeding during menstruation (this will stop menstruation)
Chronic Conditions
Fibroids (my mother have her uterus removed for this reason)
Cancer of the uterus/cervix/ovaries.
Women who want a permanent solution not to own children.

If a hysterectomy is performed and both ovaries are removed along beside the uterus menopause will start.

Hysterectomys are performed to amass lives and to improve point of life.
Not adjectives women need to enjoy it.

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some women also enjoy a hysterectomy because they do not want to have anymore children and tube tieing hasn't worked for them.
Removal of the ovaries and uterus will niggardly that there is no mode for the woman to concieve.
It is also performed within cases of child birth complications, uterine/ovarian cancers and a range of other reasons.
Not adjectives woman have it. Usually most women prefer to save their ovaries and uterus because otherwise they feel they lose something that identify them as a woman.
Many elderly women do have it removed and if you are ever surrounded by hospital and need a bladder scan the nurse will ask you if you own had a hysterectomy, because it effects the testing results if you have and don't report them.
I'd say surrounded by my experience as a nurse about 50% of the elderly women I treat (i.e. those over 60yo) hold had a hysterectomy.

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it's an operation to remove the womb/uterus and sometimes the ovaries. Sometimes it's necessary when a woman have complications after giving birth, sometimes if she has cancer of the uterus - at hand's all sorts of reason. It's a relatively rare operation, the majority of women never own a problem and don't need this. But for the few women who do, it is a itchy and difficult operation and they have to rest and can't elevate anything for several weeks afterwards (lifting anything tenses the stomach and muscles which have be affected).
So, no - it's a rare operation, conceivably 1 in 100 women or even smaller quantity.

What is ithow is it done and what are .?

600,000 women in the U.S. endure hysterectomy each year. Hysterectomy is surgical removal of the uterus ONLY. Hysterectomy beside ovarian removal (one or both) and tube removal (one or both) is called hysterectomy beside bilateral, right or left oophorectomy and/or hysterectomy near bilateral, right or left oophorectomy and bilateral, right or not here salpingectomy (or any combination thereof).

It is one of the most common abdominopelvic surgeries perform each year; one surrounded by every 3 women have undergone a hysterectomy by the time they are 60 - at an average cost of $5 billion ANNUALLY. It is far from irregular.

BUT, no, not all women own to have it.

Top reason include malignancies, Endometriosis, fibroids, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, uterine prolapse, chronic pelvic pain, severe, untreated infection and acute post-obsterical infection/bleeding that does not resolve.

Anyone considering hysterectomy next to the exception of obvious cases where on earth there are no other choices should review other option and possible treatments. For example, hysterectomy is commonly performed for Endometriosis, but it is not a cure for the disease and frequent women continue to suffer afterwards.

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