Two tampons inside vagina? is it possible?

My mom said that she remembered going to the bathroom at work intending to put in a tampon because she is on her period..and when she get home from work she went to the bathroom and needed to remove the tampon and put in a exotic one and she said she did not find a string hanging out and she tried to conquer inside her vagina for the tampon but it wasn't inside so she put in a new one. She say that she doesn't remember if she put it in or not at work. She other wears a tampon and a wipe when on her period because her interval is really heavy. And if she didn't put within the tampon at work..then wouldn't she enjoy leaked through her wad since pads aren't ample protection for her? I'm really worried about her!! Is here any way that two tampons could hold been inside her and she can't find it still. Or do you reckon she just doesn't remember putting it in.

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Since a baby can come out of in attendance, it is certainly possible to be holding 2 tampons. It is best to put together an appointment with her GYN if she isnt sure.....she doesnt want an infection.

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there is no where for the tampon to budge, either it fell out and she wasn't aware of it, or she simply forgot to put it in surrounded by the first place.

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could have forgotten to put it within while she was at work or the tampon could in recent times be farther up then she can get to get it out. if she feel weird consequently she should go she her doctor. i be determined she should be able to consistency weather or not she has a tampon contained by.

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I'd advocate her to go to her Doctors as soon as she can. I enjoy heard of this going on before, and inflict an infection. So she needs to grasp it checked out ASAP.

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Thats happen to me before, I put a tampon within and forgot there be another one in here. I've also forgotten to take one out for a couple days after my term ended! Its not too big of a do business (i never did it again though!)

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yes 2 can fit contained by there, BUT if she can't find it consequently a second one is not in here because there is no where on earth else for it to go and the vacuum (area) isn't that sizeable. A woman either feel it or not, so don't worry anymore.

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Have your mom see a doctor to remove the tampon that's still contained by there. You cannot perceive a tampon inside you if it is way up within. (You normally don't perceive it if it's inserted right.)

Tampons do NOT fall out similar to the so-called "nurse" said. It's impossible.

It's obviously still contained by there since she is not leak.

Good luck. :)

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Depending on the style and brand it is possible to insert 2 tampons but probably not credible after years of practice removing one to replace the other is pretty much automatic you don't have to surmise about it, but if she did accidentally push the string up this could head to serious problems, she might ask her husband to glove up and double check as he will be able to realize much farther, douching while not recommend more than 2 or 3 times a month might also help if tip is inserted adjectives the way and forceful pressure is applied, if adjectives else fails shift see the doc it's not an emergency but don't let any grass grow lower than your feet.

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This come to pass to my friend not to long ago. she went to a get-together and forgot to take her tampon out and after she didn't realize it tell she have a terrible smell coming from her. She be freaking out and then she go looking and found the tampon. So she was putting tampons in when she already have one in its possible.

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Her tampon probally fell out

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