4days behind schedule!?

my period have been 4days deferred...but the past few months it have been slightly irregular but before next it was other on time. i'm worried..I enjoy never had sex back but me n my boyfriend have done other things and I no wen he have ejaculated we other stop but I heard dat if he's close dat pre-ejaculation can bring in you pregnant! is this true? this would have be 4weeks ago as we havent done anything since.. I havent any systomes but i've jus felt a bit bloated and I might be imagine it but my face feel plumper but I havent put on weight on my body!! i've be worrying all month anxious for my term to come cud this delay it? i'm 18!!

Hey whars going on i call for the ladies help own any female have this problem .?

Calm down... It sounds like you are so stressed out because you don't want to win pregnant that you have cause your body to start acting like it's pregnant. The same piece happens if you acquire stressed out thinking that you are sick your body will start to act close to it is sick calm down stop worrying and your extent will probly start . If it doesn't the go to home dollar or dollar general and by a interview they are only a buck and are in recent times as accurate. And another thing: don't believe adjectives of the silly duperstitions you hear.

Menstrual cup?


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all this anxiety coulda be prevented by a simple condom

Am i at risk?

Simple maths here-- Using a condom and the pill= No unwanted babies.

PLease use contraception and relax. Irregular periods are adjectives, so rule out pregnancy by practising safe sex

Plz comfort me..?

it could be a few things maybe ur stressed

Embarassing ask! (periods) Girls only please! Help?

4 days isn't anything! It might be stress. Yes, the pre-ejaculation can procure you preg. but it's not as likely. You are prob nearly to start your period and that's why you are bloated. Go and receive a preg test right away! It will stop you from worrying! Also, simply in defence you are preg... I had my son when I be 19 and he changed my life for the best. It's be hard... but I owe my life span to him! :)

Have you ever missed a period?

Do a trial or rather run and see your doctor darling. 4 days aren't that slowly. It could still be ok. You have to do a bloodtest to kind sure though. Do it ASAP so that you can stop worrying...if you're too scared, bear a pregnancy test from boots. It might depend on your age as okay. I was pretty irregular contained by my teens. The pill helps to formulate it regular though...

Feeling like crap on Ortho Tri Cyclen lo?

you could do check near a doctor to be sure, however sometimes females periods will transform flows like when i be in dignified school it be heavy for several years consequently it went to little flow for a few years, and i saw the timing of it fluctuate as all right where sometimes it'd come pretty on diary & then it'd loose change & come early respectively month, then this would metamorphose after awhile & it'd come late respectively month. i was other seen by a doctor & see it be normal & i be ok. you're most likely common as well.

Females onlyI entail your help please?

Ok, don't nouns, in youthful adults and teens it is common for you to enjoy irregular periods. Yes pre-ejaculation can produce you pregnant but it is very unlikely since pre-ejac. is to clear the urethra of urine. Talk to your doctor ALONE and discuss what it could be,

How do you describe a guy?

sperm CAN be transferred from a man's fingers, to your vagina, but I think you're overdue because of anxiety. I wouldn't think you're pregnant, but why don't you buy a home carrying out tests kit (you can find them for as little as lb3) to put your mind at ease?

Remember to use condoms when you DO want to have intercourse.

Is this typical?

While becoming pregnant from pre-ejaculate fluid is possible, it's very unlikely. There should with the sole purpose be live, active sperm surrounded by pre-ejaculate fluid if the male have not urinated since his last ejaculation. HOWEVER, the deduction method is NOT a reliable form of birth control, in certainty, it is only 73% powerful at preventing pregnancies, and 0% effective at preventing STDs.

Wait three days. If you've not started your term by then, lift a test to be sure. You're probably not pregnant, but if you're going to be have sex, you need to be responsible ample to have sex. This manner that you need to use a reliable form of birth control. Use a condom, they're inexpensive and they are at lowest possible 85% effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies! If you can't use a condom, don't hold sex, it's that simple.

Can progesterone help near alopecia?

You may well hold succeeded in becoming pregnant, using this dodgy ' renunciation ' method. It seems to own also affected your competence to spell.

Most people who use this hard to please method of contraception are called ' parents '. Check a pregnancy tryout!

It suggests you sex education stratum is quite poor assuming you are not nearly to find out the hard opening have a look at : www.likeitis.org.uk/

It may sustain prevent future accident.

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