Sticky Stuff?

I dont know why but these sticky liquid come out my vagina. i am a virgin n i know its not my interval. i'm 14 years old. i havent gotten my length yet. and i dont know. to you guys, i gues its c*m.

i wanna seize rid of it. i HATE going home from school and see my underwear adjectives crummy with dried up pale stuff stuck to my undie

Pregnacy and first exam?

I think you're referring to discharge. It's a organic function of the body that cleans you out. Most women have it, the amount and how recurrently depending on the women and the part of your cycle. As long as it's whitish or clear next you are healthy. The just way to really buy and sell with it is to wear a pantyliner.

Menstruation through the ages?

theres nil u can do. its your bodys way of getting rid of stuff in your vagina. or its a moment ago your natural lubercation. be u turned on at some point in the day?

What are the crucial signs, of getting your period?

I bring it too, and its veryy annoying.. i know how you feel.

Vaginal bleeding after menopause?

You should wear a pantiliner. :)

Why does my doctor do that?

It's a sign that your time of year is on your be prepared..i'm 12 and the same article happens to does stink...and very well theres no way to carry rid of it but if you want you could try wearing pantiliners and that way you won't own all that dried gunk contained by your underwear.
good luck..hope this help...o and if you want more info go to
pious luck

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