Sweaty vagina?

The last couple of months Ive be having a really strange odor coming from my vagina. I just thought it be from sweating well its getting really annoying and I don't want my boyfriend thinking in that is something wrong with me. I've tried cleaning next to soap and water consequently it comes back. Ive hear that there are vagina cleaning wipe? So they work, what are other suggestions?


Does Fish oil really back PMS symptoms? I keep reading in the order of fish oil, basically wondering?

yes wipes will work. buy the other or summers eve brand, they ussually work best! but u prolly have an infection is the idea ur smelling so i would go to the girly doctor soon!

The pill, updated.?

You may hold a bacterial infection. Most commonly causing no symptoms to odor, agony, discharge, etc. If you have an OB/GYN I would contact them to try and attain in for a check up. Most commonly I see are Gardnerella. http://www.mjbovo.com/contracept/std-gar...
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