Fat or not?

i am 5'5 and weight 125-130 pounds, on websites it say that is a in good health weight but my belly looks huge to me. i try going on a diet but i other get hungry. what should i do to stick to my diet, i am merely 13 but please dont say u cant do out when you 13 because i really have need of help i discern awful


A couple questions almost HPV?

first of all please do not discern awful I think any one who is honest will voice that they have be where you are immediately . The thing is you own to be happy near who you are and if you are not happy next change it . you said that you are going on a diet but other hungry try keeping a lot of fresh fruit on paw like apples ,oranges ,bananas , grapefruit, and if you are other wanting to snack try keeping things like dry cereal such as a touch bag of cheerios , and mini size shredded wheat , sometimes if you are snacking on top form then that can curb you appetite and my adjectives time favorite is baked lays potato chips they come in different flavors close to bbq, ranch,sour cream and cheddar, and baked doritos . another entry try doing a few simple excerises before you be in motion to bed that will help you sleep better and you will grain more relaxed and remember you are going to be hungry because you are 13 and your body is still growing and developing so remember that losing weight vehicle eating well again and making wise choices so that you do not starve your muscles surrounded by your body because everyone needs fuel to run on I. also try drinking more hose and if it gets boring try calculation limes and lemons and cherries and strawberries to your water that will aid some too . hope this helps some

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That's pretty normal...I'm single 12, and my belly gets "fat" once surrounded by a while, but I'm still a bit underweight. Just do plenty of sit ups, burns all that cooking oil down.

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Exercise will help more than dieting. Pilates are great for the abs.

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I get the message your pain -- when I be your age I probably weighed something like that and my belly always looked big. You might want to try increasing your muscle mass because in that may be a small layer of oil around your belly even if the rest of you is small. Most women tend to carry mass there and around our hips even when we're teens.

You can get through less, but not to the point that you're totally adjectives or feeling deprived because you will ALWAYS overeat. I've done every diet you can think about since I was your age and that have always be the case. No exceptions.

So do some aerobics and also consignment training. Always warm up first though, because I used to hoist without stretching and I finished up herniating a disc in my back at 16. Ouch! Good luck

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sounds to me like you are not overweight, newly need to do some toning excercises to tighten up your tummy muscles. You obligation to eat other, not diet, and just excercise for a time.

Moving start of period date?

No.You are not corpulent.You are exactly where you should be...A diet.Maybe control your portions.Don't go rear for seconds.Everyone looks at themselves differently than others.Try baked chicken instead of fried chicken.Less grease.Eat for a time more fruits a veggies.Take a little stroll through the park next to you dog or maybe find a friend who is for a moment self conscious like yourself.But by any and adjectives means baby.You are NOT FAT.If loosing 4 or 5 pounds makes you discern more comfortable about yourself later go for it, but never become anorexic or bulemic because that isn't an answer to you concern in the region of yourself that is only just a heartache to your family and the ones who concern about you and it can destroy you.Remember.Don't look down on yourslef because then you trade name others feel similar to they can too.Take care and report me how everything works out!!

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Hi, im summermists daughter and 14 im 5'4 and weigh 140 and i knwo excatly what your conversation about but no your not hefty your perfectly middle-of-the-road you probally feel that road when you look at yourself due to comapring yourself to someone else.for your height,age your at the immaculate weight.

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You're normal. Quit beside the stupid dieting thing promptly. Your body needs nutrition surrounded by order to properly function and develop sexually. Eat fine and exercise daily.

Someone PLEASE oblige still waiting!!?

idk im 13 and 5'5" also but i only weigh 96 lbs

im kinda close to human being underweight tho

u can go www.seventeen.com/bmi
and u type contained by ur height and immensity and it gives u ur bmi and you only just see if its in the ranges for your age

your bmi is totally commonplace so u have zilch to worry going on for, ur not fat

but if you want to lose weight or take a flatter stomach u can do a form of crunches that i do a lot

u lay on ur back knees bent later put them up in the upper air so their 90 degrees
then u shift forward like u would a crunch but instead you turn your body to the right

do going on for 15 on each side (right and left) everyday and you will achieve flatter stomache/abs

the reason this works is because it works your abs

you could also only just do regular crunches and do 35 total every day

hope i helped


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