Heavy period and 4-5 hour conducting tests, what do i do..?

i got my time of year and its pretty heavy. but monday i hold to take this 4-5 hour long theory test and they do not let you out of the room so i dont want to bleed everywhere, what do i do?

Help!?! Boobs?

If you are worried going on for extra bleeding use a tampon and a pad. This will plainly help beside your fears. And wear dark colored clothes preferably black! In skin it bleeds through no one will see! =)

What is wrong beside me?

Put on an adult size diaper, or underwear approaching Depend. Also use any sanitary protection you normally wear tampax or wipe, or better combine both. Wear a loose skirt or drees, so it doesn't show. If there's an quirk black is the color that will shows less, so wear it.

Good luck to you!


If you're full-size enough use two tampons and an overnight wipe.
Take along a seat cushion and if any question are asked just describe them you have a fund problem and need this cushion to achieve into better alignment.

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