You know, im nevous about getting my length.?

I have read adjectives the books and everything and I know how to put in pad and tampons but i read something about the extent being the uterus sheding a pool liner. Will you see this lining when you bleed or anytime? I want to know so im equipped when it happens. Also, is vaginal discharge definite?

What do you do if you drank too much water?

You will not see a "lining" when you bleed or anytime. You will a short time ago see blood. And yes, vaginal discharge is real.

If I be you I would enjoy not have your period for as long as you can because as soon as it starts, you'll own many years of it and it can be terribly inconvenient. If you're like most women, you'll probalby experience cramps. But taking the over the counter aspirin "Alieve" really get rid of them.

Good luck.

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