Why did i enjoy a miscarriage?

what causes it? and why is the boy not kind why did he blow me off when i told him?

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Most first-trimester miscarriages are cause by chance chromosomal errors that transpire when the embryo is first forming. (Chromosomes are parts of a cell that carry a character's genes.) This is usually a one-time event that does not repeat itself in a woman's subsequent pregnancy. 2 Many miscarriages have no agreed cause.

After the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, or when the fetal heartbeat is see on ultrasound, miscarriage risk drops significantly. 3

Risk factors that may increase likelihood of a miscarriage include:

Increasing age, especially at age 35 and older.
A history of two or more miscarriages. 4
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use (such as ibuprofen or naproxen) at the time of conception or during hasty pregnancy. 5
Alcohol or drug use during pregnancy.
Cigarette smoking during pregnancy.
Exposure to dangerous chemicals, such as benzene, arsenic, or formaldehyde, since or during pregnancy.
Heavy caffeine use during pregnancy.
Certain gynecological problems, such as uterine fibroids or other abnormalities of the uterus.
Disease or infection during pregnancy, including an autoimmune disease.
Physical trauma.
An immunologic cause—a woman's immune system rejects the pregnancy—which is a factor in only some miscarriages.
Recent research suggests that low folic acid level may also increase the risk of miscarriage. 6

It is unusual for a woman to have three or more miscarriages. Repeat miscarriages can be cause by an underlying medical problem. Known causes of repeat miscarriage include polycystic ovary syndrome, a blood-clotting disorder call antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, an abnormal uterus, and a chromosome abnormality within either parnet! hope this help, its kinda like mother outlook sometimes makes you lose the infant when all is not as it should be and sorry roughly the guy hon hes an but as you get elder you,ll learn most of them are a moment ago hold your head up you deserve better!

Women..most you've weigh?

you probably weren't ready for a child if the "boy" walk out(guessing it was the father) because you two plainly weren't ready for the responsibility of a child.

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Usually chromosomal abnormality causes one to enjoy a miscarriage. I've also had a miscarriage and know what they get the impression like and the emotion that come along with them so I distribute my condolences to you. Boy? I assume you are very childish? That's why he didn't seem to thought, he's too Young to understand.

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Stop it!! Bcause when you are not surrounded by love and you have sex.
It is basically sex. Ask your self why did you think he care about you? Stop giving your precious ornaments to someone unworthy.

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First, I am so vastly sorry for your loss. I have have two miscarriages. Usually a miscarriage will occur not because of anything you did but because near is something wrong with the fetus. He might guardianship just is grieving in his own means of access or maybe it be a blessing in disguise recounting you that the time with him and the kid was purely not right. I am so very sorry. This will other be with you merely let yourself grieve. Not a daytime goes by that I don't guess about mine.

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I'm sorry to hear that hon. Sometimes it just happen. I believe someone already mentioned the physical dynamics of it all which is probably true but I didn't read his rattle on because I think that you purely need someone to sermon to. Some guys are ignorant insensitve Aholes that's why he blew you bad. Don't have anything to do next to him anymore if he's going to treat you like that. Feel better okay

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