How do I gain a tampon to work!(girls only)?

I really need to use a tampon cuz my flow is so strapping but I cant get it within theres like no space and when ever I just try to push it contained by somewhere it hurts(bad). What do I do?

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Have you read the direction paper that coame within the tampon box? The #1 rule of tampon use is to RELAX! If your muscles are tense afterwards your vagina closes and you can't get it where on earth it needs to be. You may also entail to use a little vaseline or KY jellly to lubricate the tampon and backing it slide it into place. Tampons take practice, don't bequeath up and before you know it you'll be a pro at it!

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Relax. Breath, angle 45degrees and insert slowly. Different positions work for different girls. Try sitting on the toilet or stand with one leg on the toilet form, or squat just for a time.

Good luck.

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Umm.. There should be a pamplet in the box beside directions. If your having this much of a problem you should stick to pad. They come in differant absorbancys.

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You should start beside a slender tampon & use one with a plastic covering, instead of cardboard. You also can use a small amt. of KY jelly on the finale. Next make sure you know your anatomy, you can use a mirror to locate the vaginal exit, and place pointing towards your mid spine.Try lying down as apposed to sitting or standing.

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Everything Leah P only just said.

Don't use the cardboard ones.
Sometimes a pad is better for a thickset flow than tampons. Usually you need both or only pads.
Wait until your spell is over, when it is less messy, and later get the mirror and sort out where on earth your vagina actually is. You are probably trying to insert it into the skin between your vagina and your rectum which would hurt. Don't force it. Look at the instructions in the packet of tampons which usually have a diagram and use the mirror to work out where everything is.
Good luck.


if you can't insert a tampon, next try using sanitary napkins or pads... tampons with the sole purpose work when inserted into the vagina. If you vagina is too small for a tampon, then you will have need of to use other feminine hygene products.

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OK take a mirror, then lean up against a wall and squat down, sitting on your heels. Spread your legs general apart.

With the mirror, look at your vagina. There WILL be a hole there. It will be the one bleeding.

Make sure you own the slender tampons, since they will be easier to insert. Put a dab of vasoline or lube on the tip of it.

Relax, breathe in and out slowly. Take one paw and open up the vagina a moment or two more. Angle the tampon 45 degrees (towards your lower back) and slowly insert.

It should not hurt, but might have a feeling weird or humiliated at first.

Follow the directions in the tampon box.

You can use pad for heavy flow, lately get the super spongy kind and rework the pads every hour or so.

If your flow is supremely creamy, talk to a doctor. Have you have a pap yet?

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