Belly pearcing.?

i want to get my belly button piecred and i looked-for to know does it hurt ? and how long do u have to maintain it in until u can start shifting the lil thing. lol sorry im not angelic at explaining things.


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It hurts pretty badly, but just for a second. Significantly more than an ear piercing, if you have that. And it took mine six months to treat fully... I did not try changing it up to that time all the swelling go down. Belly piercings take a disgracefully long time to heal.

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I get my bellybutton peirced and its not a big pain..its a moment ago a quick pinch, and u hold to wait a month till u can convert it and u cant go swimming or it will go and get infected, and u have to put medecine on it and move it around alot or it could bring stuck.

good luck!

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My girlfriend get hers pierced and she said it did not hurt. Just do not look at the guy/girl when they are piercing you. The needle will terrify you. but after you pierce it you need to buy Epsom saline to treat it. Use it at least 3 times a hours of daylight. You take thaw water and dissolve some of the saline in it and pour contained by over the ring. Work it back and forth until you expect it is clean. if it get infected use a little antibiotic on it. You should be capable of change it inside 2-3 months. It may be sooner depending on how well you clutch care of it.

About when you do it?

Every personality's pain tolerance is different. I have mine done 7 years ago and it was painless. I own a total of 10 piercings and 8 tattoos. Some hurt worse than others. You should wait roughly speaking 4-6 weeks to change the jewelry.

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i get it done 3 days ago! it didnt hurt bad- it was a 3 second stig and thats it!! i be way too worried for how little it hurt! they said dont adaptation jewelry for 4-6 weeks- and dont totally take it out for 4-6 months! virtuous luck!! it'll be cute!

Hurts so bad?

When I get my belly button pierced it didn't hurt at all. I suggest because I psyched myself up before appendage into thinking it was going to hurt really bleak so my adreneline was pumping and I didn't even grain it! Also it can vary from personage to person how long it take to heal...the well-mannered thing is that the ball that screw on the end of the tavern are pretty much universal so you can evolution the look without have to take it out. Just screw rotten the old ball and screw on the new ones!

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