Am i fat or over substance?

i am a female 13 years mature 5'4 and i weigh 118 lb!
am i over weight?


Have any of you tried greer childers "shapely secrets" or oxycise?

You're not overweighted or podginess. You're pretty healthy. You can check your BMI mass but I checked it already.

Ovarian cysts?

No. Geez Louise.

Am 26 yrs outdated married female. my husband requests to see me pee at night.way in the toilet. what should i do. s


Females:P Do you perceive sexy around the time of your period?!?

Are you for tangible? Of course not!!

Constant Hunger..?


I'm 15 and I don't have my length?

no lol tats good

How do doctors know if u hold a UTI?

we like to call upon ya big hungry. on a serious note, you are a kid do not verbs about your cargo just however.

My friend kenny was wondering if a girl eat tomatoes will her vagina stink?

Sounds like a great size, and you own lots of growing to go ... contained by all directions.

My sister have this problem!?

lol no!!
i was 115 at 13.

For women merely: How many of you are bone tired adjectives day long?

ur neither! that's completly conventional for u to weigh 118

ur BMI is 20.3 which is averge weight

How do I prepare myself for the big "A"sex?

I'm 5'6" and weigh 164. No you are not podginess. What fat you own on your bones is normal at your age. You still have need of to grow and mature.

Should i name in sick today?

Heck, No! I know 11 yearolds who are 5' 1" and are 150 lbs.!

Razor burn?

the average substance for a 13 year old girl is 110 to 100 and thats majority so your not fat or over shipment but maby like a couple pounds

Females please oblige?

no actually u arent becaue you are pretty tall
my friend is 12 and she is just 5 ft. 2 and she is about 120.
it is proably you muscles that weigh alot. tahts approaching me
im 12 im 4ft. 8 and im 70 puonds.
good luck.

Period oblige?

you're too young to supervision. Are you healthy? Yes? You're righteous to go.

Does Prempro work for irritability and viciousness with menopause?

You cannot bring up to date if a person is solid or overweight just using their plane and weight.

If you want to know if your over weightiness, see how much skin you can grab between two fingers on your waist.

If its more than 1/2inch gooey, you need to lose weightiness.

Or look in a mirror after getting out of the shower.

You know if your overweight or not.

Is ir regular for a female to own stomache pains after sex?

No. Sounds like you are full-bodied to me. If you are worried about how you look than clutch up yoga or pilates with the objective of toning your body without bulking up or purchase weight. You might also transport up dancing. Enjoy!

Im worriedpuhlease assistance?

Give me a break!
Love go get hold of yourself a double dip ice cream cone and soak up life!
You are too immature to be obsessing in the region of your weight or that thereof.
Oh...and to answer your examine you are a toothpick!

Why are boobs so good?

you are at a regular weight according to the BMI calculator. common weight is 18.5- 24.9 and your chalk up is 20.3, your fine.

Will you have cramping when you skip your time of year while on the pill?

no. according to some chart, it says u enjoy healthy shipment.

Just want to double check?

NO. Females only:
The endocrinologists suggest 100 lb. for 5 foot of height, and 5 lb. for respectively additional inch. They also recommend plus/minus 10 % of that if large/small frame.So,
5 ft. = 100 lb.,plus
3 in. = 15 lb.,
equals 115 lb, plus or minus 10% = 12 lb., so
small frame = 104 and up;
large frame = 127 lb.

Is it everyday to soak thru a pad and tampon every 2 hours? should i ring the doctor?

No, honey. Your body is going through many change and in due time everything will "fall" into place. In the meantime, if anyone give you a hard relate them that right now you are for a time fluffy and to leave you alone!

Im concerned roughly that feeling of a extent pain?

you BMI is 19.4 You you are the rght wheight if your BMI is 18-24
the lower the number the les curvy you are
dont be worrying if you are overweight at your age and you aren't fat
hey go on lose a few pounds gain a few what does it situation your healthy so draw from on with your existence without worrying roughly speaking it and you will be fine
(it is scientifaccally proven that the more time you spend stressing about your mass the more you will gain)
so stop stressing
hope this helps

How antediluvian were you when you started your term.?

your right on the money .

What does anal sex mean to you?

Not at adjectives!!
Hon, this society tries to make everyone reflect on that they have to be stick skinny to not be "fat". instinctively, I just have an idea that its sick. it doesn't help that adjectives of these models are running away with it maxim, "oh, we have to so we fit the clothes!"
but shouldn't the clothes fit You, NOT you fit the clothes? as you would expect, that's why they make sizes. You own to understand, as you progress through puberty, you will gain weight, its inevitable. The question is: is it Healthy wieght?
If your worried in the region of that, don't fret, just trademark sure that you eat right and exercise regularly. But don't cut out positive food groups completely. that isn't healthy. Remember: everything in proportion. And also give or take a few gaining the right weightiness: you gain weight when you gain muscle, some ancestors forget about that. so I wouldn't intercede by weight alone, girl.
But to purely answer your question: no, your not round. your perfectly majority. I'm 14, 5'4", and 122 lbs, and my BMI says that i'm immaculately in the hearty range. BMI stands for Body Mass Index. Their are a little places online that can tell you yours for free. It can convey you if your overweight, underweight, or just right. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself!
this website is put together by the Department of Health and Human Services. so check it out!
and the subsequent time someone calls you excess weight, say appreciation, they called you P-H-A-T, phat! :-)

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