How frequent times is considered average for peeing per daytime?
Answers: it depends on how much you drink.
your body will absorb what it requests and get rid
of what it doesn't call for.
you can live without food but not short water.
That comparatively varies from human being to person. How much they have to drink, etc.
Personally, I find that I bloat up like nobody's business when the menses come along...grrrr...
I'd influence about 4-7 as long as yo ee atleat 3 times a daytime or more you should pee through out the day if smaller amount than 3 you may be dehydrated
depend on how much fluid you drink, and if your bladder is of ordinary size... depending on how much i drink but i usually only pee once a afternoon! but sometimes more and sometimes less. it depends on how big your bladder is.
in good health it differs from one person to another..cos u might be a sweaty character and that helps u return with rid of some of the liquids u get in ur body and that would dwindle the times u have to it differs from summer to winter cos surrounded by summer also u sweat alot ..while in winter near is no other way but peeing so may be surrounded by winter u will have to pee more read aloud up to 10 times would be fine. The urologist told my dad a minimum of once every 3 hours. It does depend on your bladder size and fluid intake. Don't ignore the urge to turn.