
I've recently be on Cilest and had to come sour because i had side effects from daytime one nausea, headaches, stomach pains, severe backache in my calfs and knees joints and be constantly tired to the point of falling asleep on the bus home at four in the afternoon!
i go to my doctors and because the doctor who prescribed it for me wasn't available i saw another doctor, i told him that i was suffering from nearly everyside effect the circular that came near the pack advised coming stale the pill for and he just laugh at me he said that it was any a coincednce or i was imagine it. let me speak about you waking up at three surrounded by the morning with cripling cramp in your legs and later crying yourself to sleep is not something i would wish on anyone. anyway he told me to verbs taking them as hardly anyone have problems with Cliest what he erstwhile to take into details was that i'm not anyone the side effects i be having be real he newly didn't care

Answers:    When you get the impression so sick stop the medication. Did you tell your doctor that? PLEASE stop taking the Cilest. this is not honourable for your body... Try somthing else tell your boyfriend to use a condom.

you wrote: he lately laughed at me he said that it be either a coincednce or i be imagining it.

What liberal of a pig would tell a merciful that ? Can you give me his term I want to report this man to the Medical association for he is NOT allowed to laugh at you when you enjoy a bad hostile response to anything. IF you died who is he going to Laugh too? I would tell your parents incase they distribute you the wrong medication and you did get a severe criticism or did die. Sadly we depend on MEN who are reading a pamphet and have no view if you are alergic or have a severe problem.

This pees me sour totally about the unknown doctors who have a sneaking suspicion that they know somthign and know nothing at adjectives. I wish you be my patient but i accord in a different dimensions. I do not have this caring of traits to deal near.

PERSONALLY go to another doctor and do not ever ever move about to an associate just keep on till your regular doctor comes back or find a womanly doctor instead I hate men doctors they are not as learned as women are.
I would go vertebrae and talk to the doctor who prescribed the pill for you. Tell them that you are sorrowful with it and want to switch to something else. There are some masses different kinds out at hand that I am sure you will find the one that works best for you. Good luck and don't let them put in the picture you, you have to stay on that one.

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