Is plan B - the morning after pill safe for your body if taken multiple times within the month?

..and what would happen to your body if you whip the pill several times in one month?

because my friend took the pill 4 times second month and I told her it wasn;'t good for her and use a damn condom hahaha
but resembling what damage could it do to her body? so she can be convienced that it's not biddable for her health to be doing that...

I want to wear a bra so defectively! how can i get one back grade 8?

A woman shouldn't use Plan B surrounded by place of regular birth control, but if a woman uses it several different times she should be fine.

I have intuitively taken Plan B four different times over the last 6 years when I forgot to pocket my regular birth control. I've (luckily) never had any side effects from using it. Plan B is roughly just a sophisticated dose of regular birth control pills.

The last time I took Plan B I took it for 2 days contained by a row and I'm fine.

Has your friend ever thought about getting on regular birth control? It's greatly cheaper and a lot easier later taking Plan B all the time.

Help please ;]?

your "friend" should carry on bc pill and not rely on the morning after pill

I am using Birth control pill microgestin for 3 months and gained 8pounds.?

the morning after pill shoudl be used near extreme caution and individual when necessary. It is not intended to be used as a form of birth control. Basically, the morning after pill is a very illustrious dosage of hormones that prevents any fertilized egg from implanting within the uterus. By continuously exposing your body (4 times in one month is quite excessive) you risk highly developed rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. Our bodies simply arent' meant to toy with that influx of hormones. Advise her to either jump on the birth control pill (still introduces extra hormones but at a lower safer amount) or to use a condom. Otherwise she risks severe health complications.

What reason explains why your boobs increase in size?

I took plan b pills 4 times this past january, I don't deliberate it really damages your body. I was checked and nought seemed to be wrong. It did mess up my interval cycle and I got pregnant soon after. So convey your friend to be careful and use condoms until her time regulates.

A friend complained that while playing with her girl, sea comes out a her boobs but she isnt pregnant why?

Tell your friend to strap it up PLEEEEZ!! lol It will probably just crease her cycle. May cause some serious mood swings. Remind her that nearby is no morning after pilll for HIV/AIDS.

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