Could it be Cancer?

my mum has have a post menopause bleed and went into hospital on monday for a few test.she had the bin liner of her womb scraped and tested.yesterday she received a phone call motto she needed to attend today for an mri scan.I am very worried as i thought here was a long waiting account for one of these and every site i have be on says that an mri scan is done if cancer have been found? please agree to me know if it is normal to draw from an mri scan done so guickly?

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plz remain collected.
im not sure how long it takes...
probably approaching a week or two (for my mom)
but dont think negatively.
its angelic that u worry.
but ruminate of it to turn out for the best!

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wow i dont know anything bout those but please do email me and maintain me posted so i know how she is please

What does the doctor do to you for a camp physical?

its not simply for cancer

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Could be that the gather test showed some abnormality which they want to check, but it doesn't necessarily mingy it's cancer. Also it could mean that they didn't find anything adn want to clear sure everything's ok. There is a long waiting list MRIs but if they take cnacellations, they make appropriate use of the time and get someone surrounded by on a short notice. Since nil is certain however, try to stay positive and be there for your Mum! Good luck beside everything I hope it turns all right!

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It must be a worrying time for you.

They must be concerned about your mum, but it's flawless she's getting investigations so quickly.

Whatever the outcome, steal things step by step and don't let your imagination run away next to you.

All the best

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MRI's are done for many reason, so try not to get too upset right immediately. Sounds like your mom is not within perfect strength, but it may not be cancer and if it is, it may be very treatable. I know that right now it's tough to remain unflustered and tough to feel resembling everything will be ok. My baby sister have cancer and when I first found out I learned what alarm was. But she's whipping it now. So try to remain cool, calm and collected until you know for sure.

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