Im not pregnet but whats wrong beside me?

my breast hurt,im having lower tummy pain rotten and on, my periods are iregular since Jan.ive taken several preg. testing all -

What is a sheman?

Don't you deem it's time to see your doctor?

Should i be concerned that my buddy hit me in my ovaries?

See your doctor. You might of late have really bad, irregular periods resembling, unfortunately, most woman experience. Birth control could help out.

What is causing these cramps? What can I do roughly speaking them?

It could be a number of things. Some serious or enthusiasm threatening and some not so serious. The only instrument to know for sure what is wrong is to go to your condition care provider. Good luck.

Rotary cuff wound?

same thing happen to me and still does go to a gyno i get on birth control pills and it seem to sustain some.

Am I too fat?

I'm not sure if you are on birth control or not but if you arent I would recommend going on it and you wont own the hurtting breasts and lower abdomen discomfort. It will also make you more regular. If you are on birthcontrol you however may also skip period becuase birthcontrol makes your body assume it is pregnant when you are not and then the pool liner inside of you does not build up as think and your period will be lighter. I had this same problem and my doctor explained it to me end week. Also even though the preg. test say you are negative does not necessarily imply you are not pregnant. It could take several months for the horomone to show up contained by your urine. The only sure track to find out if you are pregnant or not is to get blood work done. Hope this help

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