Im on my first day of my spell..can i go swimming short a tampon?


I got past its sell-by date my period 2 wks ago & yesterday darkness i woke up frequently to pee & there be blood?

It is really up to you. If you are only spotting it probably wont be too bleak but it is risky and could potentially be embarrassing if your time get heavier while you are swimming. Are you likely to risk it?

How long does it take period to become regular?

Oh yeah if you know how to put one in the right. I other go swimming near a tampon they work like a charm!

Ladies' strength?

I would use the tampon on my first day. It is usually my heaviest daytime. You know your flow, you decide. You don't want to be feeling guilty.

What is s & m because i obviously hold heard of it but never really know what it was..?

No!! If you are going swimming you HAVE to wear a tampon. Swimming lacking is unsanitary. No tampon=No pool.

Can the strong smell from my vagina be linked to my IUD and can it be deadly?

Yes, you should probly use a tampon on the first day of your time of year to stay on the safe side!!

Slim collar?

No you shouldn't, you should wear a tampon. Things could get messy within the water if you run swimming without one. Yes, the hose down pressure helps contained by temporarily "pausing" periods, but it's not other guaranteed and once you get out of the river, it starts again. I personally merely skip swimming if I have my term. Hope this helps =).

How long does contained by take for a woman to carry her s-ex drive back after giving birth?

I wouldnt risk it, your time of year could pick up pace any minute presently.

Whats going on.?


Can someone answer my discharge question?

please don't swim short a tampon! it might be ok for you because your flow isn't heavy, but what going on for the rest of the people who'll use like pool? that's gross.

What is an orgasm?

My period is incredibly light on the first afternoon or 2, so I know that I could probably get away near swimming without a tampon, although I would be apt to change without hesitation afterward into underwear with a wad. It really depends on what your cycle is like. If you hold just started your period and you're not sure what your cycle is like, I would stay on the secure side. If you are teenager and enjoy irregular periods, or own irregular periods for some other purpose, you might want to stay on the safe side later too. If you know your flow pretty well, next you probably already know the answer to your own question. Hope that help!

I am not pregnant but my nipples are extremely sore. Why?

not only is it unsanitary but it can impart others infections or diseases even if you dont have anything u may still enjoy dormant diseases. so even if you are only massively light, it isnt a worthy idea to swim lacking a tampon, also if your asking from the idea that you may be harmed from the sea, im not sure about that cuz the marine may be dirty and during your period your cervix is expand i would think you would be more suseptible to infection and diseases. hope u find the answer u involve somewhere in adjectives of this


Is this cervical mucus?

no if it lite wear a lite tampon! even though water reduce the flow it dosent when u get out of the pool and not adjectives the time in the pool eighther!! if u hold never worn a tampon stay out of the pool!! i recomend to try them!! they are great!! i recomend tampax pearl!! try the lites!(they are the purple 1's) read the directions carfully ! good luck and own fun

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