Pelvic lump and other stuff?

Ok, so I know people may vote the whole "My friend have this problem..." but seriously, it is my friend. She works somewhere where she doesn't have access to roughly anything besides e-mail online, so she asked me to check up on this. She says her extent is two weeks late but took 2 pregnancy test and both were negetive. She have cramps like shes getting her extent, but it never comes, and during sexual relations she has some pressure within her "nether regions". She said that her and her boyfrind found a lump inside of her "nether regions" and it hurts when pressed on. She said she doesn't think that it moves around or anything. She's calling the doctor on the lunch break to net an appointment, so I'd appreciate not getting any "OMG get her to got to the doctor ASAP!!" type of answers. I'm simply wondering if anyone else have experienced this or knows what it might be. Thanks for adjectives serious answers.

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Yes it does sound similar to something serious might be happening to your friend, and I'm tremendously pleased to hear that she is calling a doctor on her lunch break. It could be a cyst, that has grown to an unhygienic size. As for her periods not showing up, hmmm, I would assume pregnancy, but maybe a blood test is surrounded by order to be sure, if it's still contained by the early stages. I hope your friend will be capable of see her doctor really soon to solve what might be going on, take strictness, and tell your friend fitting luck.

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