I found a small lump in my breast, should I be concerned?

I never do self-exams resembling I'm supposed to, but yesterday I was "adjusting" and notice a lump on my right breast. It's deep contained by the tissue below my areola(mine are rather significant and take up most of the front of my breasts) just about 2 inches below the surface. It's very firm and give or take a few the size of a frozen pea or a pencil eraser, maybe slightly larger. It's difficult to move it to the surface because it is so low in my breast tissue, and seem to be attached by tissue no thicker than a piece of string. I have essentially full, though lumpy breasts but it's nothing resembling the tissue anywhere else on that breast or in matching area on the other one. I also agree to my fiance feel it to be paid sure I wasn't imagining anything and he noted matching. I have a history of breast cancer surrounded by my family on both sides, but it's 2-3 generation back. My mom and my dad enjoy had several benign cysts on their breasts. Should I see a doctor right away or dawdle a month or two and see if it's still there? I'm simply 22.

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I had like peas in a pod thing closing year. Although I do not have a history of cancer on any side of my family and I enjoy had several mammograms already I go to my doctor and had another one. They suggested I own it biopsied with a syringe first in shield it was fluid-filled and save then they would enjoy to schedule an appointment to cut it out.
Thankfully it be fluid-filled and although the fluid looked like lemon pudding to me, the surgeon said it be fine and acutally got adjectives of it out. The lump was gone after that and I haven't have any other problems since.

My doctor suggested at first to start taking extra vitamin E (one in the morning and one at night) and cut out all caffiene because some lumps nurture on caffiene and vitamin E can reduce the size of them. Try this until you can see your doctor to see if it change in size. But diary an appointment ASAP!

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I would see a doctor to have this checked to be on the undisruptive side.

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You need to be in motion have it checked right away if its done contained by deep consequently you need to return with it check out soon.

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Any kind of lump should be a top concern next to anyone. Although some lumps can be cystic and harmless its best to be in motion get a breast check-up. Make sure it is after your mensus because some breast lumps come out when your are going to hold your period. The hormones prouduce a bumnpy passion. Painless lumps are to be worried about. Anyhting that you cant discern pain is a serious situation 90 percent of the time. Yes go to the doctors.

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You need to sort an appointment to have it looked at soon. Even if it's a cyst. I hold had breast cancer twice and cysts.
Never cold-shoulder a lump in your breast. Ever. Especially if you hold a family of history beside breast cancer. Doesn't matter that it be 2-3 generations put money on. Your generation might be the one to hold it again.
Don't panic, but don't put it past its sell-by date, either.

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I would go and get to the dr. right away. You said that there is a loved ones history of breast cancer, that should be concern enough to see your dr. right away.

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Someone I know has fibrocystic contained by their breasts, and its completely not cancerous so dont worry. Just stir to your doctor so you can take a ultra-sound and anything else you need to.

this website may sustain you out, if fibrocystic breasts is the cause

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Make an appointment next to your doctor and have it checked out... better to be past the worst.

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You have to enjoy a mammogram now. I never feel a lump but ended up beside a mastectomy.

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Please honey get it checked presently ! Early detection gives you the best unsystematic if it is malignant ! I may be just a man but I truly love women. Kenny M.

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With a family history of breast cancer, I wouldn't hang about. You should go to the doctor. And it individual took my doctor five minutes to do a biopsy on my cyst to check it for cancer. Good luck.

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it could be fibroadenoma

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You should really see your Doctor. If you loaf a month to see a doctor, you could be cheating yourself out of treatment time if it is indeed something serious. On the other hand, could you hang about a whole month and hold peace of mind knowing that this questionable lump is in your breast?



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Do not delay further. Go to a gynac first for physical nouns. If required, go for a mammography experiment. Consult a good homeopath beside the report. If it is in impulsive stage, homeopathy will cure it. Right now start drinking Indian Mullberry fruit liquid.

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never wait for a single morning also. it might not turn into cancer bcaz you are just 22 better diagnise it bfore it turns to cancer. if its found its basically a lump dont worry physician will bear care of it but consult doctor as soon as possible. takeit serious!

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