How to get hold of bigger boobs?
would they stop growing after i stop taking them?if so for how long will they stay big?brand?when i bear them like how long till they start growing?or what can i do to kind them bigger?thanks for everyones give a hand!!
I have hear that regular deodorant can cause breast cancer, have anyone ever heard that?
The solely way to clear your breast size larger is to have implant done. And that is not other a safe odds.
Birth control does not make your breasts larger. This is a myth. Also, it isn't erudite to mess with your hormones while your body is still contained by its growing stage. And trust me, at 16, you are definitely still growing.
Why do you want bigger breasts? Is it to achieve guys? I can tell you from first mitt experience that men don't always travel for large breasted women. I'm a DDD. One of my friends is probably roughly your breast size. When we go out, she's the one that get hit on, not me. She's beautiful, and she carry herself with class and respect. And guys pick up on that. Also, her daughter have large breasts resembling mine, and she'd give anything to be resembling her mother because she gets abundantly of unwanted attention at school. She also finds it difficult to play sports.
Also, larger breasts aren't as wonderful as the medium and some men make them out to be. They grounds back agony. Bra shopping is an absolute twinge in the butt. And they bring unwanted attention. I've have to tell more than one guy to stop staring, and I've even have a coworker find more than one excuse to try and touch them. It's disgusting.
Lastly, every person have features on their bodies that they don't like. And everyone have features that they do like. For me, I close to my hair. And I stress that quality. I catch more compliments on my hair than any other bit of my body.
Learn to accept what you've be given because that's who you are! Don't waste your time wanting something that you can't truly enjoy because there could be a girl sitting right astern you wishing her body looked resembling yours. Learn to emphasize what you close to about yourself, and that confidence will attract more guys than you ruminate. Besides, large breasts on the odd occasion attract guys you'd want to date anyway.
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