Woman plz:)?

Okay I was merely wondering my doctor put me on birth control because of my heavy and long period. He told me that I should be lighter, less days, and own less cramps. Now I own taken my birth control at the same morning every day. I enjoy had break thru bleeding for a two weeks in a partly which I am a first time user doctor has said it is middle-of-the-road. Now I know that I have stared my length cause the blood flow have gotten a bit faster and a bit red but sometimes it's brown is that okay? Is it true the lighter it is the darker it can acquire? Sorry for been so overt but this is something I would like to know. appreciation.

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I was on birth control pills for a long time,they where on earth effective on pregnancy protection,but my period have never be "normal" since,by normal,I would say,3-7 days and not disgustingly large, bright red and darker towards the closing stages. . I have hear that depo-privera is a good style to deal near all of the" worries"...Good Luck, and I don`t know ask at state health dept.?sincerely...

Going on the pill, should I start taking it immediately?

It takes bout 30 or more days of constant use of the birth control pill for it to transport full affect. The side effects and the bleeding is normal.

If it doesnt tolerate up in another 2 weeks or so.speak to your gyno.

Boyfriend won't turn to doctors/family planning with me - am I only making a fuss?

Dark reddish to brown flow is simply 'prehistoric' blood exiting your body, perfectly average. Be concerned if it ever has a foul odor.

I own the coil could i be pregnant?

brown only scheme oxygen is getting to it and oxydizing it. slow flows that are fairly hurricane lantern will often be brownish,

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