Kind of an embarassing question. girls one and only please!?

13/f alright so i'm on my period. and when i woke up yesterday morning and this morning, it be kind of that brown icky color it other is at the end of my spell. but then when i devour the smallest thing (ex. i have toast for breakfast), it gets so indigestible and redder than a firetruck! and then it's similar to that for the rest of the day pretty much. why does this begin?! it's really annoying!

and also, there's a pool entertainment i'm supposed to be going to tomorrow and if this continues, i can't go! what can i do? i don't use tampons and don't plan on starting. is there anything i can do to clear it stop?

Girls please answer?

I don't have a course to make you stop bleeding but I might be capable of help next to the pool party entity. . .

I understand you don't want to use tampons (very regular for a girl your age. . . though through time I'm sure you'll change your mind!!) Anyway. . . Go to the shindig with a purse and your desired pads. Wear shorts until you want to swim. When you opt you want to swim, slip into the closest bathroom and remove the pad and your shorts. Quickly seize into the pool. Guess what. . . you won't bleed! Water pressure holds your secretions inside. But, as soon as you draw from out of the water, get hold of a towel and walk to the bathroom to changeover back into your clothes. You might be question as to why you changed back into majority clothes so quickly, but purely state that you didn't want to swim anymore... and if you do decide to swim again after that, newly do the same piece. Just remember to take plenty pads to suffice your in/out pool requirements. You won't bleed immediately upon getting out of the sea, but the best idea would be to acquire to a bathroom ASAP.

Hope this helps!

Good luck and hold fun at the party!

Birth control?

You can't stop your spell! You need to use a tampon. I recommend becoming tremendously athletic because the flow is less.

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Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't use tampons any until I was surrounded by highschool. I didn't much care for cotton person shoved anywhere the sun doesn't shine. You might need to verbalize to your doctor about this problem, though, even though it's degrading.

And for tomorrow, your period will probably still be busy, but if you do go don't stir in the marine with a wad on. it will swell up and be very distinguishable, even more so with the pad with wing.

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Ha resourcefully you better start using tampons or you just won't know how to go and swim. I promise you, tampons aren't as doomed to failure as you might think they are. Get Tampax or Playtex... they're the best. Plastic applicators, not cardboard. If you want to swim you'll start using tampons.

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The flow increases after you get out of bed surrounded by the morning...gravity. You can't do anything to stop your period so you are disappeared with any get tampons (they are not discomfited at all) or wear a pad and don't get hold of in the pool. Go and enjoy fun. It's not like anyone will protection if you swim or not...unless you don't wear a tampon and get surrounded by the water.

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Not really...i parsimonious being involved decreases indigestible flow, and normally when u are surrounded by water it doesnt come out if u know what i miserable. try to go to the deputation, just put ur foot in the dampen or something. i had to do that once until that time i started using tampons. i still had fun.

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Brown blood in the morning is common. This is blood that built up overnight, pooling in the vagina. Your flow got heavier when you get up because gravity works wherever you are, ha-ha.

If you're untrained to try tampons, the best bet for a pool party is a minipad stuck to your suit, next to a fresh one every time you come out of the water. Wear a dark-colored suit.

For oodles women, being within the water--even the shower, which is funny--stops the menstrual flow completely. Mother Nature may have planned for pool party.

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The bleeding is brown and icky color when you rouse up because that is elder blood that has pretty much sit in the uterus adjectives night. As you become more helpful during the day and start getting up and around the regular bleeding begin again and that is why it is brighter red.

I would also suggest you starting to use tampons. They kind the smaller tampon for younger girls. It is worth a try. A pad get too much in the route, very crushing!!

Good luck....Chrissy

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hmm. i've never notice that on me before, so i don't know what to do to aid you. you can't stop your period, it's impossible, but exercise, approaching running with peroxide the flow a little.
also, getting in dampen ex, the shower stops the flow, completely, so you could actually wear one to the pool surrounded by your suite & then when you guys are give or take a few to swim, go to the restroom & pocket it off, & swim. later when you're done, put another one on. just remember to bring a few extra pad just contained by case, & deff wear i bleak colored suite.
i'm 15 & i still don't use tampons, so i understand how you have a feeling about not wanting to use them. i'm not really sure what else yu can do...
only just try exercising a little to peroxide it a little.
if adjectives else fails, you could wear a wad to swim. i know it sounds gross, bu i had to do that when i first started. yu'll prolly be contained by the pool most of the time,so it wont be too noticable. i would also ask your mom, maybe she'll know what to do.
if you walk to the party, hold fun! &...
good luck. hope i help :]

Cysts on ovaries?

At 13, your period and flow is totally irregular. The heavier bleeding with consumption is probably coincidental.

As for your pool party, I'm sorry, but unless you use tampons, you canNOT swim. Wearing no wipe will mean a trail of blood at the back you in the dampen and a red seat of your bathing suit. Wearing a wipe means it will gain HUGE as it soaks up the water, and this is extremely noticeable. Wearing a tampon=perfect.

P.S.~ i <3 your entitle -> i <3 jeff francoeur <- he is GORGEOUS!!

Period question.?

Wear a wad and shorts until you're about to swim, next go to the restroom and remove both. Usually your flow won't start again until you've be out of the pool a little while but I wouldn't risk it...walk straight back to the bathroom and put the wad and shorts back on.

Tampons are startling but once you get used to them, your interval is so much more tolerable.

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