Birth control pill. Diane-35/ 21 tablets?

I took birth control pills from Sept. 2005 to March 2006 and ever since i started taking them i exprienced a lot of pelt loss, I need to kow if those pills cause the hair loss. Do you hold any information about this?

Ingrown fleece?


Acne, seborrhoea (oily skin), facial hair growth and androgenetic alopecia (male shape baldness and hair loss within women) are caused by excessive mannish hormone activity. Approximately 10-20 % of women are artificial by disorders related to hyperandrogenism. These symptoms are not merely cosmetic, but are often allied with menstrual disorders, metabolic abnormality and ovarian cyst formation (Polycstic ovary syndrome [PCOS]). Women with PCOS are at increased risk of sterility, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. The timely psychoanalysis of hyperandrogenism therefore plays an influential preventive role.

CPA inhibits the influence of androgens. The anti-androgenic activity of CPA reduce the excessive secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. This improves acne and mane and skin greasiness. The loss of hair which frequently accompany seborrhoea diminishes. Diane-35 (R) is also effective contained by mild forms of hirsutism.

Apart from the described anti-androgenic effect, cyproterone acetate has also a pronounced progestational behaviour. Therefore, ovulation does not take place during treatment next to Diane-35 (R) and the additional use of hormonal or other contraceptives is unnecessary. The combination of CPA beside ethinylestradiol ensures excellent cycle control.

Although the pecise cause of hair loss surrounded by women is not fully understood, Diane-35 is one of the few medication which has be shown under clinical evaluation to lend a hand prevent hair loss and promote tresses growth in women.

WARNING: Diane-35 is intended FOR WOMEN ONLY. Although most women do not experience side effects when they start taking the Pill, some do experience symptoms such as spotting between period, nausea, breast tenderness or headache. However, these symptoms subside as the body is adjusting to the spanking new hormone level.
In skin any of these symptoms continue to go on, consult your doctor. For further information regarding side effects, please refer to your bundle insert leaflet.

Hope that help.

If you finger pop yourself are you still a virgin?

this medical peels are completely feminine use to regulate the menstruation and stopping the ovaries of producing
They also arise the female hormones and slim down the testestrones amounts so unwanted hair is gone and freshly in specific places approaching the face, the rear, the over pubis... but not the head coat for sure
so if ur head curls is gone make sure of ur HG and the minerals in ur blood ...

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