Girls has you monthly cycle ever synced up near people you live or work near?
Yes. When I was still living at home, my time synchronized with my Mom's.
Later on, when I worked next to a group of women, we all synchronized to the womanly boss's cycle.
If you dont excercise like everyday for about a week will you get hold of fat again?
its norml for ur body to ajust its menstrual cycle appropriately with another menstruating womans cycle.I stopped taking birth control and?
Yes, other. When i was younger, it be always aroud like peas in a pod time with my mom. After I moved out it be with my roomates.My little sister requirements to give her friend her antediluvian birth control?
yes, im 12 and me, my sister, and my mom have our cycles 2 days be not like that when i first started at the age of 9 years outmoded.yes! adjectives women when they r like living beside each other sychronize their cycles
I reallly want to know how to make out.?
yes, it across the world happens beside people you live beside or spend a lot of time beside. i have forgotten why exactly it happen, but there is a legitimate reason for it. its nature of like when you hold 2 clocks sitting beside eachother set at different times, eventually they will be in synch... sry, i know it happens, but i forgot what its call...yeah after a few months me and my roommate got surrounded by sync
yes, that is drastically normal. My mom and I used to bring ours at the same time when I lived stern home. Also, my mom and all of the ladies that she used to work next to got their period at the same time. Your body sends stale signals to other women and if you are around them on a daily argument you start to get on one and the same schedule after a while.
I inevitability help beside my bikini line?
yeah my friend and me...since she get hers. weird, huh?!Is it regular to bleed after first week of sex?
you mean resembling fireflies - wow in my judgement this is a great sound out - pity you can't answer it yourself.anyway - me and my friends cycle on saturday mornings - my mum says its safer after - less cars. So yes.
Why do you hold asking your question to the girls - i promise i won't tickle you or steal your lunchbox.
Lump contained by lower abdomen?
ya its be proved in studies by ancestors at berkely and harvard universities. the studies took place contained by college dorm rooms and other places where women lived together or at academy together alot.... they think its base on smell. seeing as i dont HAVE my period even so, doesnt happen beside me but i have a few friends similar to that.- This one's for guys:what do u think about women with stretch marks?
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