Is it true?

Is it true that touching myself helps to aliviate cramps. Is it ok to do it?

Do pouring periods second longer then pallid periods?

There are those who claim nouns from cramps by masturbation. Its never worked for me, but why not give it a try.

Alternately, you can also try heat pads, motrin, advil, tylenol, or midol. Any of these will lend a hand mild to moderate cramp discomfort.

My wife has not be to the toilet in three days?

not sure where on earth you want to touch yourself.
a back polish will help cramps. use a heat pad, Advil, hot tub.
sex or masturbation will comfort, too.

Sale almost over?

There is no medical reason at the rear it however medically there is zilch wrong in it if u can keep going hygiene

I need some info on massive ovarian cysts?

Light exercise resembling stretching could help procure rid of cramps.

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