Vagina on leg is this run of the mill?
serious ansers please
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okay everyone is different...some are even inverted!! you're fine, don't worry
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The typical position for the vagina is in the middle. You should have yours checked by a gynecologist. There might be some benign of plastic surgery that would reposition yours to a more normal type. If not, after I would at least want to know if it is functional for childbearing, etc.I really don't know what a leg vagina is.
Your best bet is to google pornography, or simply look at some charts of the anatomy of a women's genitals to get some examples. Because I really don't have an idea that that that's normal. Check next to your doctor. :[
Uhm. Good luck? I hope you're okay!
if you are infirm enough ,budge see the Dr by yourself to find out =you probably are sitting in a way that make it seem it is on the leg=hopefully the Dr can assistance you with your problem
that may look creepy or startling in any process but it is very commonplace to have a vagina nearer to your thigh... and WHY be you looking at lady's vagina's on the internet? are you a porn star?
What?! A vagina is "supposed" to be in between your legs. With a couple mispelled words, I'm not faint sure what you're trying to ask or what you have
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The truth is that most vaginas look different. Most women you see every day don't look similar to the models in magazine...the same is true near vaginas.If you're still worried about it, Planned Parenthood will make a contribution you a free exam.
Wow.I don't really know what to tell you, except enjoy you seen a doctor? Maybe it's a swelling or could be a growth or something. Anyhow, own your mom take you to a doctor for your peace of mind.
When you voice "vagina" did you mean your labia? The massive outer lips of your vagina? The labia comes in adjectives sizes. Check out a book called "Our Bodies, Our Selves" it have great information in it.
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