Do clan doctors look into past medical accounts?

like when you go for your annual physical will you doctor ask you going on for your past medical condtions? Do you enjoy to discuss these issues with your doc if you dont want to. I am normally paranoid and go to the doc for every little point and i dont want to have to verbalize to my family doctor something like this stuff. also i thought i was pregnant and i booked an appointment for an abortion but at the abortion apointment i found out that i wasn't in actuality pregant so i dont want to take to my ethnic group doctor about this

Am i right.?

You don't own to tell you doctor anything you do not want him to know but you should realize that this can compromise your condition. The abortion issue you mentioned would not be information that he would need you to put in the picture him since you were never really pregnant. You should definately include all information though on the subject of your heart and lungs, and anything that you have certainly been treated for. Doctors are in that to help you, not find you... it only make it harder for them to treat you when you leave out information. Sometimes, little things that you don't deem are important can be big clues as to what is going on next to you. They cannot get aged records from other doctors lacking your consent unless it is from a doctor that referred you.

Why is this?

Yes you must answer a doctors questions truthfully so they can do their position. It sounds as if you need a doctors oblige in more ways consequently one anyway.

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I reason they get the info from ur second doctor but they still might ask u questions resembling for example if u was seeing doctor some time in history and he/she had put u on meds and u finished up going off of them and u have a problem they might ask u what meds u wereby the side of for safety reason its like they don't want to put u on meds that would hert u, and its similar to this how can they help u if they don't know whats wrong, they stipulation some thing to travel on in elder to help u.and how would u gain answers if u don't ask.

P.s the questions i asked be not reall questions they are the type of question that u dont answer, they were asked to bring my point across.

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You do need to explain to your doctor about former medical conditions, but I don't think you obligation to tell your nearest and dearest doctor about the abortion appointment bcause you weren't if truth be told pregnant (and I'm assuming they didn't really do anything?). But it is imperative that they know about former medical conditions, because it could affect something that they find in a physical, etc.

Does this sound close to pregnancy or something else?

If you want your doctor to have an accurate picture of your overall strength you must give him/her adjectives the information from you past history. Medical Science is intensely much lide a puzzle and if you are missing a piece than you can very slickly miss an important diagnosis. It sounds as if your long-gone relationships with doctors enjoy not been productive, but you hold had some problems. My suggestion is that you dance see a new doctor and bring you robustness records next to you. When you see him/her discuss the fact that you hold had difficulty within the past, but would approaching to create a new relationship that works for you as capably as your physician. The abortion appt. is more embarrassing than anything else, but unbelievably few physicians would look at this negatively and if they do then they do not beling in the profession to open with. A doctor's duty is not to judge you it is to facilitate you. If they are too busy judging folks then they would never obtain through the day.

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