Am I destined to keep getting yeast infections? My BF and I enjoy started being intimate and ever since next,?

I've had 2 -3 YIs over as various months. How can I prevent them? I've had them past (I'm 34), but not this bad. I purely had a checkup and I'm thoroughly healthy. So that doesn't give the impression of being to be the issue. What do other sexually active women do?

Cervix erosion problem? help out?

You probably are passing the yeast infection wager on and forth to each other. Men get hold of yeasts infections too. My friend and her husband passed it to each other for years until they found this out. He have to use Monistat and rub it on his shaft and get some down the tip to cure it. Now she doesn't hold yeast infections anymore. Chances are that is your problem too. Taking Azo Yeast will prevent them.

"Female" problem - yeast infection?

happened to me too, after first becoming sexual near my boyfriend. I got one YI a month for 3-4 months and next nothing. I treated it near over the coutner stuff and finally diflucan. I think it's merely your bodies way of adapt to your man. I expect it'll go away soon for you.

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Is the doctor sure these are YI ?
Some women are actually allergic to their lover's semen. It manifest itself as itching and discharge. Also, if he uses condoms, consider latex allergy.
If it is yeast, you could check to be sure you are not diabetic and also that your lover does not have a yeast infection or other infection. Antibiotics also gross one susceptible.
If none of these ideas minister to, you could consider vinegar douches after sex.

Is this a yeast infection? or could it be worst?

Is your boyfriend being treated when you are? If he doesn't attain treated, it just travel's round and round.

If you get coldsores is it most responsible to never kiss on the jaws?

It sounds like adjectives sense, but be sure you are both keeping clean contained by that area. If you're not verbs, he can push those germs around down there cause an infection. If he's not clean, same article. So it's important to carry on hygeine there. And distinctly clean up afterwards! You don't want to go off things down there to breed microbes and infection. If your boyfriend doesn't know about your infections, be sure to chat this over with him so that he's doing adjectives he can to keep you natural. Also a good hypothesis, douche after sex and after your period to verbs things out.

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servral things can cause a yeast infection

1) what you devour: dont eat things close to candy or breads.
2) the way you verbs your self: momma always said "frount to pay for not
back to frount"
3) during intercourse: never and i be determined never! let him do anything to your subsidise side and then to it to your honourable side. the germs that are in your backside are not to ever come surrounded by contact w/ the goodside.
4) to dispose of it: in the morning when your in the shower clutch your fingers and get adjectives that white creamy stuff out of you. that is the infection and thats what make you itch. also keep a peice of tissue within that area during the morning to keep it as dry as possible. their are also vitamens that you can lift to help you.

well-mannered luck and i hope that i could have be some kind of help out to you.

What is the sexual and vaginal impact of having heaps babies?

I had a yeast infection for almost 5 years straight until I couldn't even pee any more. The OB said no, its not your birth control, not the BC pills. One daytime 5 years later I quit to gain pregnant...7 yrs later I own never had one again. Long story short are you using any birth contol at adjectives? If yes, change it! It messes near your horomones and that can cause you an infection...besides where on earth do you think the ingested pills come out at/ Somewhere down south. Try this.

If to be exact true?

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