"Female" problem - yeast infection?

Please respond especially if you are a medical professional as I cannot be seen by the gynecologist until Monday.

I will catalogue my symptoms and tell me if this is a yeast infection:

--first notice white discharge
--next, itching and swollen vulva on one side
--after that, burning when I urinate
--swelling on vulva seems to enjoy two tiny white bumps now that are bumpy when I pee
--foul odor

I started taking acidopholus pills today (took 2 so far) and how long will it take for these to work if it is a yeast infection?

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it sounds like a bacterial infection and the doctor will make a contribution you flagyl or clindamycin to kill the germs for the infection. Acidophilus pills will take awhile to work. Get over-the-counter azoles (Clotrimazole works best) at the moment. Continue to help yourself to Acidophilus pills. You are doing the right thing by taking acidophilus pills verbs to take them. Please don't become fainter to go to the emergency room if it become progressive. I know it's uncomfortable. The origin why I believe it's a bacterial infection is because you have a swollen vulva and two tiny bumps that are raw. That's an indication that is bacterial. If it get uncomfortable please don't dawdle to go to the emergency room. And it also might be a uti, contained by which case he/she will contribute you the right antibiotic. Drink Cranberry pills and eat Activia.

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the symptoms sound resembling it, but they tiny white bumps concern me. I've never had them next to a yeast infection. they make otc anti-itch cream for vaginal nouns as well as wipe and yeast infection medicine that may provide nouns

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get to doctor immediately, serious

Im flushed!?

I usually mix plain organic untaught yogurt with 2 acidophiles pills and attain relief when I surface a little discomfort, a few of those symptoms nouns like a bladder infection or a bacterial infection. If you're seeing the doctor Mon. don't douche purely treat the outer area beside some anti-fungal cream.

Is there any Alternative of vagina? Except artificial vagina?

Sound approaching a yeast infection, but check with doc to be for sure...to cure the itching try apple cider vinegar

Im still on my pd., do I enjoy to wait until it stops contained by order 2 start my trial pack of Tri-sprintec?

yep. get some anti itching cream and the 3 sunshine treatment from one of those yeast infection kits. here are kits that provide you anti itching cream with the 3 light of day treatment. if you cant find it, get some anti itching cream (like aveeno) but not aveeno, grasp it with hydrocortizone.
The same piece happened to me when i wipped from rear legs to front by accident. It hurt similar to hell to pee because there be bacteria cause an infection. I put some cream up there and it be like instant nouns. Try not to itch because its gonna get worse and its gonna hurt to sit down for a while. Quickly bring back the cream! if it doesnt go away, you might own a uti which you'll have to seize antibiotics for.

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