How can stop my husband from watching porn?

I've been reading a great deal about it, and I've asked my dad, Some vote its a guy thing, but to me, it is considered as Lust. As a Christian, I believe its true. I told him how I perceive about it, and he said he wouldn't do it again, but while I be at work, I came home and found another Porn video on his desktop. How do I pedal this? [serious answers please.]

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Sounds resembling your husband is missing something in his marriage, and hasnt come to you near it. Try being more sexual near your husband, try new things next to him, without him knowing give or take a few spontaneous towards him, maybe shower near him sometime, be unpredictable.he will love this, and he will learn that he have what he is watching on tv, right in front of him the complete time, he just didnt realize it.Be fun for him, and beleive me, he will return it wager on to you. But if you just roar at him about it, he'd definately NOT going to stop.try my agency, and let me know if it this over time.if he's watching a video, voice nothing to him.crawl up on his nouns, and start loving on him...and it will end. Hope this works for you.

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A porno addiction is concrete to beat. It may be difficult for him to stop. Just hang on to telling him and try to work something out.

Please abet!!?

That's tough because it can be an addiction to some. Have another talk next to him and perhaps consider counseling

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I would just forget about it, this is perhaps intuitive to most all men.
Its purely in their instinct to do this.
It is best not to sort a big deal out of this and agree to it ride and he will soon just carry bored with it.
So, a moment ago pray for him and let him be human.

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you can't in recent times impose your own morals on to individuals whether they be your husband, family or friends. adjectives you can do is confront the person which you did. since it doesn't come across like he's stopped confront him again and gross sure you get across why it bothers you and why exactly you believe its wrong. as your husband he should respect you enough to at least possible make an attempt to stop. if i be you i'd spend more time chosing my battles later chasing after and being upset going on for silly little character flaws.

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The only process to get him to stop watching porn is to be more sexual near him, maybe administer him some variations, try investigational things, do it a lot so he doesn't hold any sexual tention left over to spend at the computer. The grounds he does it is that and because guys just similar to differences in girls, different colors, different body types, different sexual preferences, etc.

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Talk to him about why he does it. Is this an adjectives the time thing or solitary every now and consequently?

Start wearing sexy lingerie.

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I agree it is a man thing. and can grasp your frustration.
Thing that would bother me most was the reality he made a promise to you! and broke the promise.!
Its the trust thing .

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well it sounds to me like you entail to lay down some ground rules and express a little deeper on how you quality and maybe draw from a little more serous on things as far as conceivably telling him "you know what honey, how you perceive if....." then bequeath an example of something you KNOW he would not allow then compare that to his porn watching and speak about him how disrespectful that really is basically resembling watching another naked woman and you know by watching that he apparently is not thinking about you he is thinking in the order of that woman at that time and how she looks and what she is doing and that basically IS lusting for HER and that's not right for another woman's husband, or man, to lust for ANOTHER woman

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maybe your so discouraging in bed that he have become addicted to it.

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Thats a hard one. (no pun intended) Either you adopt that he enjoys that, or maintain fighting almost it. My ex-husband was a devout christian, who loved porn! Its complex to deal near hippocrites, thats for sure, even worse when you're married to them. I wish I have an answer for you. I guess the christian answer is to pray about it.

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beat him around the head near a hammer - consequently he wont be able to see anything ha ha

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Guys watching porn is perfectly average and healthy. I would be more upset that my husband feel he has to be in motion behind my rear legs and lie to me - and that I be making him feel ashamed satisfactory to do it.

The way I see it is, porn keep him from cheating.

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You have 3 option the wayI see it.

1. Dont give him a foundation to watch them. Granted it is better for him to be at home watching porn than innards a need elsewhere, but try mortal very sexually assertive, to control, be spontanious, distribute him some go down treatment for absolutly no drive.

2. Watch it with him, you never know, you might lately like it too. trade name one with him. Your a Christian, not a Nun, and I can`t bear to break it to you but some of the most messed up sexual acts be done my members of the church, and hold been done so for 100's of years. Who do you deduce could afford courtisians in the 1600-1700's? The member of the church.

3. Make one with him. Do doesn`t matter what floats your boats and then examine it together. You may just find a fun spanking new hobby.

Lights, camera.ACTION!

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just tolerate him.whats it hurting? Mine does...i mean i am not thrilled in the region of it but its a man thing. at least possible he isn't cheating on you. You and I won't ever truly understand it but unless its enthusiast i would just agree to it go choose your battle

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