GIRLS ONLY! please assist me?

ok, GIRLS ONLY read this,'s embarassing enough. if you're a masculine and you answer this with NO HELP and making me consistency bad i IWLL report invective on you. but if you really do help me and you're a guy i might not report harm on you. but guys, please don't read this.

ok, girls this is my problem: my vagina has be itchy the last few days and i don't know why. it's not infected or anything i checked, i purely don't know what's happening.and the itchinness usually comes after i urinate. pleaswe don't form me feel unpromising about his i am already embarassed. freshly please help me out and make clear to me why it has be itchy. please?

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Well, I *am* a guy, but I work surrounded by a pharmacy, so I do think I know for a time something about this.

First of adjectives, you can't really check to see if you have an infection. Vaginal infections come two ways (bacterial and fungal). Only your gynecologist can notify if you have an infection and what giving it is.

It is also possible that you have a urinary tract infection, and the backache and burning sensation is being transferred from your urethra to your vagina. This is consistent beside the symptoms being worse after you urinate. The jumpy system is kinda funny like that down here sometimes.

A third possibility is that you're having an allergic criticism to something. If you've recently changed brands of tampon, this is what I would suspect. If you own recently have sexual intercourse with a partner using a latex condom, you may want to gain checked out for a latex sensitivity.

Bottom line, you should dance see your gynecologist.

Also, don't be embarrassed just about it. You know, not a lot of men will speak about you this, but their genitalia itch basically adjectives the time, for no good judgment. So don't worry in the order of us making fun of you, because we're all within the same boat.

Hope my warning helps. Good luck.

I have an idea that i'm having trouble next to my birth control, some help!?

are u sure that you dont enjoy a yeast infection?

Could also possibly be some type of bladder infection since your itchy after u urinate. I would see a dr. for either possibility

Theres also an over the counter product you could try

also check out this link

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You should not be embarassed. This will happen to every woman on the planet at some point in nearby life save several.
The itching could be caused by plentiful things, did you just stop taking a antiboitic or some other type of medication? did you not long douch? do you wipe from back to front? does it itch if you hold sex? all of these things can upset the natraul bactria that is to say supposed to be down there adjectives the time.

Drink some 100% pure cranberry juice a couple times a daytime for a few days and eat some yogart. if it is merely a yeast or kidney infection this will clear it up, if not it could be serious and you should see your DR.

Hope this help. and next time dont be so embarassed, this is merely part of self a woman!

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Hi! No reason to be embarassed, it happen to a lot of women, including me. Most habitually, for me, it happens right after my term. I used Over the counter creams and/or a lubricant. Either helps me. Give it a shot and if that doesn't work, you might want to nickname your doctor. Good luck!

.:GiRLS oNLY:. pleaseee..?

It sounds like it may be a yeast infection, which entail not be embarrassing at adjectives cause it happen to the best of us :) hmmmm itchy, well I am assuming std's are out of the sound out so lets skip that. do you shave the spike down there? When coat grows back surrounded by it is often particularly itchy so that could be it as well. If you guess it may be a yeast infection, you should see a doctor for some meds and to make sure. Have mom run you, mom's are great at that and i guarantee she's had at least possible 1 yeast nfection in her enthusiasm so she'll know how you feel!

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