Period backache?

does anyone know a good bearing to get rid of this discomfort? today is my 3rd day dealing with this throbbing..please help

Ovarian cancer with out a uterus?

Get out the Midol, rime packs, heat pad, and you can also use thermacare patchs across your tummy. They really relieve. I used them after I had my csection for the cramps. Good luck. Just drink plenty of river and stay away from sweets. It makes it worse.

Period help out relly bad cramps everymonth going to the doctor at resembling 3:15pm apponment starts at 3:45 pm?

Exercise i heard it stops the throbbing. Also try a heating wipe on your stomach. A warm hip bath or shower should help too. Did you cart a pain killer?

Is this normal?

Are you taking any medications
Midol or tylenol any of those usually work for me
Good Luck!

Should I switch to Depo-provera?

Go to the pharmacy and buy a heat pad, or those thermal boil that last for 8 hours. they relieve me alot.. Believe me i go thru equal pains every month almost.. I take a Tylenol every 6 hours and keep hold of a heating wad on.. ( i know its summer but believe me it will help you straightforwardness the pain)..

Feel Better!


Please HELP! im scared!?

Pain murderer's and a hot water bottle. Also drink soy milk, regularly. But get hold of pain murderer's quick girl. You dont own to live like that.

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Lactating when you're not breastfeeding?

When I'm have a lot of headache during that time of month I usually find that taking a Midol works and laying down for most the sunshine. But if you don't have Midol, taking a hot tub feels incredible, but don't use any bubbles or anything, newly hot steamy water.

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I also have this brand of problem and sometimes from the pain i slump down..It is normal to adjectives the women, but i adviose you to do a radiografy to see if it is endometriosis, endometriosis cause various times this problem.If it is this, dont worry, it concerns the tissue of the uterus which is moving and it cause cyst..It can be treated..
But it can also be a normal spasm, lately, i dont have it adjectives the months, so i can tell you that if a big aching comes, only within this case, you can pilfer a Mesulid(it is hard, never near the stomach empty)or any other analgesic.
Do also hot shpower, it is wrong what they say that you cant do, and avoid exercise, it can bring more blood, and headache..
Avoid also the sea, while you are waiting the term, 2, 3 days before(if the water is cold, you may own pain later), and skulk till you are completely clear in command to go to the the deep again...

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