This is for Skittles!!?

I am extremely fed up near the rude obnoxious inconsiderate people that are on here. People get hold of online for advice from peers, not to be downgraded and humiliated! Skittles posted a legal question one that she CLEARLY needed suggestion on...and some of you bashed her by calling her rude degrading name....HOW DARE YOU! Some people might estimate she is too young to be have sex but you know what? i think her going to the dr and asking just about BC was hugely mature!! and i applaud her for that, some of you even call her stupid and immature...yeah genuine nice how about some of you grow up somewhat hmm? It makes me SICK and DISGUSTED to see folks come on here who need direction and answers or just some reassurance capture TRASHED for their own personal choices. AND THOSE PEOPLE the ones who trash our younger generation ARE WHATS WRONG WITH THE WORLD TODAY!

One of my ovaries is sophisticated up then the other does anyone hold this? Does it cause any problems?

resourcefully put. I find that a lot on here. sometimes in that is some stupidity from askers, but most often ancestors are rude in their responses. If you enjoy a negatie personal pinion about something someone else does preserve it to yourself. or if you are going to namecall or insult askers, please go elsewhere. Some of these are touchy subjects (i see it a lot surrounding abortion questions- which are totally legit) I have a handle on that you have the right to express an feelings and i urge you to do so but do it tastefully. thanks for bringing this up.

What is a g-spot?

I COMPLETELY AGREE!! and everyone should respect her because to be exact the whole point of yahoo Q and A and if you arent here to help out or ask questions after leave because we dont want you here! everything you in recent times said was true and i support you up 100%

My girl friend (16 yr old) went to the hospital for surgery?

I totally agree next to you. People need to start growing up and acting their age. I am disgusted beside the way that other relations treat others... its just not right. I a moment ago dont understand how relatives can be so cruel.... people that are resembling that can serously cause foremost problems for peolple who are extreemly sensitive or quiet to fire up with. Argh... make my blood boil... I, myself am proud of skittles for being honest and relating her mother and asking about BC.

Why does it hurt?

Thank you sugarplumfaerie!
I totally agree near you. The name-calling and judgemental stuff going on in here is really annoying, and what was going on in Skittles post sucked big time. Poor girl, as if what is going on at her university isnt tough enough!
Too bleak you cant have some of these guys blocked for devout!

No matter what I do ?

i suppose if she wants to jump have sex she should be capable of do so without one trashed how would they like it if i trash talk them when they WANT help the world is person so f*in mean to that her
they can be in motion to h*ll
i hate them adjectives

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