Women: Do any of you have experience near an IUD?

I'm considering getting an IUD as my form of birth control and want to hear from women who are or have used them. Thanks.

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I have an IUD and i love it. lighter period, low hormones, low risk of side effects, and you don't have to verbs about remembering to pinch the pill, or change the patch or turn for a shot. I have mirena, it covers you for 5 years and you can own it taken out whenever you want if you decide you want to enjoy a baby

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they are very convenient but my mom get pregnant while she had one contained by i guess it slipped out or something i was on the depo shot and that worked the best for me and my mom after her pregnancy, you dont hold your period at adjectives and she is not pregnant

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I enjoy the Mirena IUD and love it. I wish I have gotten it sooner. I had spotting on and stale for the first few months after I had it inserted, which really isn't that impossible. I no longer have hard to digest painful period or PMS. I highly recommend it.

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Some people similar to the IUD and some don't. I don't like it especially well because i skipped period alot and had constant cramping. My mother have had the copper one after every child for the second 21 years and she loves it. It is convenient because you don't have to remember pills or patch or the shot because it will be in you for 5 to 10 years. I wouldn't draw from the shot though because it tends to own alot of nasty side effects the longer you are on it. One of them one a huge amount of weight gain . I gain 25 lbs in a summer and i am a hearty athletic person. But if your body doesn't reject it, which happen very uncommonly it is a wonderful form of birth control.

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