A ask for the ladies?men can answer too.?

my girlfriend has trouble next to being not own any energy,and no shes not pregnant,she cant carry that way.but it seem like she doesnt hold the energy she use to enjoy.is there something,resembling energy pills she can thieve to pick her up.thanks for your evaluation on this issue.


With the birth control that give u period only 4 times a year?

The individual thing I can recommend is for u to suggest to her to jump see her doctor. It may be anaemia (iron deficiency), a common lesser amount in women. Anyway, put in the picture her to get checked out. For her sake as powerfully as urs.

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She could progress get a check up next to the doctor - there could be something at the back it. Then the doctor can reconmend something to take.

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She might have anemia. It's a low red blood cell count and red blood cell carry oxygen so it cause people to give the impression of being un-energetic. She should go to a doctor to find out for sure. But iron pills will sustain with anemia.

2 days PMS,6 days of brown spotting, 5 days time, 3 days brown spotting.?

yea there's vim tablets and stuff..even disgusting drinks (but they work). Taking them is up to her. There also natural ways of getting heartiness. Sleep for one, exercising more, and relaxing.

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She can talk to her doctor and win tested for anemia, diabetes, premenopause or depression. All of these illnesses and 100's more can cause fatigue. Pep pills are not the answer. They are a practical joke and do not get to the root of her problem which could be something serious. Be a worthy guy and make sure she see a doctor. Best of luck to you and your gal!!


It would all depend on the point she doesn't have the heartiness she use to have. Some possible cause are: depression, diabetes, a lack of persuaded vitamins... the best thing to do would be step and see a doctor.

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you may try vitamins.after a couple day she should have a feeling better. you could try the energy drinks but i wouldnt on a regular spring. if you try all this an it doesnt work afterwards she might be sufferin from depression an needs to see doctor for meds. thats what symptoms of depression are: tiredness, distracted, circulation problems, headache. hope this helps.

Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i inevitability help!!?

It sounds approaching she might be low on iron, maybe she should catch it checked. It could also be depression. Either way she should really own a check up to be on the safe side.

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Sounds like she may be low within Iron and need to whip iron tablets, or she could eat more red meat, spinache, mushroom, legumes, stuff close to that as all these are dignified in iron. Or she could gain a blood test to be sure it's nil serious.

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Energy pills arn't usually a good answer. Have her try consumption healthier and excercising more... after a while she will be aware of much more energized. Also sleeping more than 8 hours a night will truly make you tired throughout the morning. Find a good hobby she enjoys and do that beside her, such as a sport, hiking, etc. If she is depressed about something this could be an issue also.

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It may be her diet or just that she's trying to do too much adjectives the time and wearing herself out.

If it's a constant thing, she should call round her doctor. She may have low iron or other vitamine defeciencies.

I wouldn't recommend any of the over the counter animation uppers. They're too shady in my judgment.

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