Cutting and girls ?

I jus' happen 2 kno that mostly girls cut themselves. i'm also a girl cutter. i jus' want 2 kno that nearby r more ppl who do cut. Does ne1 out there cut 2?

Look what i own done!?

I'm 22 yrs old and a cutter, I own been for almost 11 years. I go to counseling and all they enjoy pointed out each time is "you're a self mutilator." I only just kinda gave up on counseling, but I am slowly working on adjectives myself less and smaller quantity. I am starting to reach out to house about my problem so when I get hold of the urge to cut, I just telephone call someone, but it doesnt always relieve. You arent alone so dont feel discouraging. If you would like to converse to someone please dont hesitate to email me at adjectives.

I just have lasik and everything went great, are in that any side effects down the road anyone has experience?

i cut too and im a girl.
dont verbs i know how you feel our lives are fucked up

Will I grow any taller?

Get checked out for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome). It may be why your brain is asking for twinge.

Check out, the symptoms link for other symptoms you may hold that are also due to low blood sugar.

Masturbation tricks?

Yes, this unfortunate behavior is something that occur in females more than males. If you cut, please get hold of counseling/help so that you will stop it and learn more appropriate and good ways to deal beside stress and depression.

Good luck.

What do you think the doctor could influence now?

You can stop if you want to. Act surrounded by plays or find some other way to procure attention. Go to a counselor.

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Please see a Doctor,the Problem is inside,don't Waste your Life away.

Diet Patch? Any one else try one?

Yes, I know inhabitants who do. You and they are in desperate want of help. Someday you will be surrounded by such emotional affliction that you cut too deep and not a soul will be there to lend a hand. Please call a psychologist or psychiatrist to draw from professional counseling right away. Therapy, and maybe meds, or both, can construct a huge difference!

On saturday night i be getting intimate with my boyfriend. I be just in the order of to come off my extent and was?

Sweetheart why are you hurting yourself, you don't necessitate to hurt yourself to be noticed. Why do you want dreadful scars adjectives over your body? Get some help honey, articulate to your parents, doctors, teachers anyone that can obtain you the help you call for. Good luck, God bless and put angels on your pillows.

Has anyone?

I used to do that, when I was a youngster. I am male. It can temporarily net you feel better, but it's risky because you might seriously injure yourself or win infections. A simple staph infection can lead to serious condition or death if untreated, believe it or not. Also, scar look like crap; I hold seen associates in the mental hospital who own scars adjectives over their bodies. I hope you talk to a doctor in the order of it.

Nowdays, I prefer eating hot pepper. Try eating habanero or scotch bonnett pepper, it has almost exactly one and the same effect as cutting because both accomplishments release the brain's natural cramp killer--endorphins. That's the real appeal of adjectives, the endorphin buzz.

Yeah, I think adjectives is more common beside females. I don't know why, but I think males tend to be more aggressive and are more predictable to play sports or have other undertakings where niggle is involved (like football, hockey, or just getting into fights), or they are more credible to overindulge in alcohol or drugs instead of cutting. There's also a superior rate of suicide in males than females.

I hold had treatment for depression for just about 20 years, and I also work for a mental health agency.

Should'nt castration be made compulsary? It have so many benefits that can comfort make the world a better place?

see a theripest adjectives leads to suicide

STD Testing?

Why are you asking this approaching cutting yourself is ok? I don't cut myself, no business how stressed my life is. Get some support, please. And i'm not saying that to be be going to. You really need to seize help.

Help, ask about spotting.. I'm single sixteeen!? can seek some counselling...

i don't reckon cutting = seeking attention though. its truly more like trying to become forgotten. try looking for someone to which you can sympathetic up bit by bit. maybe some friends. vivacity seems useless and tragic if you hang on to carrying your problems by yourself.

and females do more cutting than males because females are more turbulent...but when males try to hurt themselves, its less frequent but more hurtful.

hope i can back.


u need oblige and please go see a councler and thats the truth not trin 2 b connote

When did you have your first sexual expierence?Did it hurt?Was it so discouraging or not really?

i dont like recounting ppl but this is the internet and none of u know me. but i did cutt myself but my boyfriend like integer didnt want me to n-e-more and like a fool i stopped.

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I urge you to go and get help to make conversation about the issues around why you cut. There are also groups on yahoo that you can merge and talk just about how you feel.

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