Do i sleep to much or do i own a medical problem?

i am a 14 year old girl and as ive hear it is common for teens to sleep more. for roughly over a week ive been sleeping alot. I've be on my cycle for about 4 days and that usually make me morre tired and i know that you can experience PMS syptoms a week before your time of year and that my excessive sleeping could be connected to that. but also my grandma says that it may be a sugar problem, which i notably doubt. i drink alot of water but ive done that my in one piece life. im not asking for a medical dianosis but i a moment ago want to know if my sleeping i realted to my cycle.

also i trouble sleping at night and i usually travel to sleep around 12:00 and i ave to wake up at 6:00.
thaks please respond.


Period/grad/guy chairs problems?

you're a teenager. teenagers are supposed to and are agreed for sleeping a lot. i really doubt its a sugar problem, your grandma's of late trying to look out for you. you say you sleep from 12 to 6 that's simply 6 hours...that's not enough sleep unless you aim midnight to 6pm. that's probably a little too much sleep the maximum you want to train yourself into getting is resembling 13hrs.

Birth Control question?

you mght own low iron levels obtain a blood test to produce sure. If the doctor gives you iron tablets after they will make your poo black and will hold about 6 months to be proper but it will adjectives be worth it.

Breast enlargement?

go to sleep at 10 pm than you will se it

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Nothing wrong with you. Everyone is different on what their body requires. I enjoy lived most of my life on 5 to 6 hours of sleep per dark. If you wake up rejuvenated after only 6 hours sleep, after you are fine.

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