Just an embarrising health interview?

ok i have the worlds most stupidest and embarrising sound out ever and i'm asking for women who know more about this so heres my sound out i'm not saying i'm pregnent but... my nipples enjoy been getting dark and darker for some use and i'm very faded skinned and my veins enjoy been bluer adjectives through out my whole body *no seriously* and my foot have turned red and swollen i be just wondering if anyone know what i should do and i'm nto sure what kind of doctor i should stir to because its weird and this never within my life happen to me before similar to everything is changing close to normally i'm a smiling go lucky being but i have be super tired and just flat out slothful wtf some one help please

Keeping my pubic tresses?

I suggest you go see your doctor, it’s the best piece you can do for your health.

Bacterial Vaginosis home rememdy?

It's not a stupid put somebody through the mill at all and I would recommend starting out beside your primary care dr to look surrounded by to it because they can best tell you which dr to see for this issue.

I hope you catch an answer soon hun.

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