Birth Control Pill?

Is a condom still needed when on the pill? How effective (% wise) is the pill?

I can't find Certain Dry anywhere. I'm wondering where everyone else get theres. Other then the internet??

According to Planned Parenthood, of 100 women who use the pill, simply eight will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. Fewer than one will become pregnant with foolproof use.

Of 100 women whose partners use condoms, in the region of 15 will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. Only two women will become pregnant with spotless use.

If you are ONLY concerned with pregnancy, taking the pill is truly MORE effective afterwards using condoms. However, the pill does NOT protect against STDs.

I have one-sidedly been on the pill for 6 years in a minute. My fiance and I never use condoms and so far we don't have any kids even so! :o)

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birth control pills are 98+% effective if used immaculately (everyday, same time each time etc) a condom is still needed to protect against STD's if they are a concern (ie if you're not married or in a mature, monogamous relationship)

Losing cargo?

The Best Birth control method is the abstinence.

The other one is to know your Rhythm.

These are the simply methods accepted by the Church.

please lend a hand?

If you're not willing to live next to the consequences of your actions, you probably shouldn't be doing what you're doing.

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condoms can break, therefor are not 100% effective..I reflect on it's like 98% if used correctly.
I Have be on the pill since I was 15..I'm immediately 24. I ahve used condoms in days gone by to prevent STD infection.. but in some relationships where they enjoy been tested an i know are STD free...I individual used Birth control. They also come inside me. So far so good. I purloin my pill the same time everyday to the T!!
I trust the pill 100%.

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Estrogen/progestin combination pills are 95-99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy, but save in mind that this is near perfect use (not missing any pills, taking them at alike time each sunshine, etc.).

Progestin only pills are 92-99.9% forceful at preventing pregnancy, but it is much more important to purloin the pill at very close to alike time each morning. If you take the pill more than 3 hours past due, back-up protection such as a condom is recommended.

Many medical practitioners believe that antibiotics may decrease the value of birth control pills, so it is a good concept to use a back-up method when on an antibiotic. Be sure any time you take a unknown medication to ask your doctor or pharmacist if it could decrease the usefulness of your birth control.

If you are in a situation where on earth you may be at risk from contracting a STD from your partner, it is a VERY good model to always use a condom. Even if you are within a monogamous relationship, consider whether it is with someone that you can trust your existence to before you choose not to use a condom - it may come down to that.

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