What would increase my probability of getting pregnant?

My doctors have told me it is unlikely for me to get hold of pregnant but I want a child so bad. I've hear one tip that if you lay a few hours after intercourse that it helps. Is nearby anything else? Any medicines, supplements, food, or tricks?

Help w/ feminine genitalia, embarrasing question..?

sex after 14th daytime of priods ends.

Think im in trouble?

getting married.

hang on to your butt up in the upper air after sex. on a pillow.

Pores? do they diminish with age?

don't use condoms own sex very regularly and make sure the guy cums abundantly so his sperm can reach you

My vagina itches so bleak!?

my sister,with God adjectives things are possible,ok.If u don`t pray bl4 u have to be highly prayerful,sometimes i don`t believe doctors.i promise to pray or u too.

Keeper training for teenage feminine?

try it with me I'm so fertile that my wife get pg while i was surrounded by prison

How do I get the shower aroma? Am I doing something wrong?

why cant you find pregnant? What did the doctor say? try have sex when you are ovulating then put a pillow below your bum after he ejaculates. Also ive hear it helps if the woman have an orgasm too... dont know how true this is but it cant hurt!!

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