? for women, guys you won't want to answer?

Ok it has be 3 months since my last peird, I can skip sometimes but never this long and i also hold diabetes. I am not pregent, because i know very economically that I am a virgen. So is it time to go see a dr. for this. I really don't want to, I enjoy a fear of going to one of those dr. im 18 and haven't however and really don't want to go. But this seem like it is features of importent, so any ideas.


It hurts backing?

You really do need to see a doctor. Lack of a extent could be a problem with your diabetes, a problem beside your reproductive organs, inefficient nutrition, or absolutely zilch at all!

There are form issues where your inoperative periods can be a signal that something is wrong in another body system. A professional will be acquainted with this.

I know seeing a gyno seems horribly shameful and you want to put it off as long as possible. But honestly its not as discouraging as you think. The first time I go I thought it was a huge settlement and that the doctor would be down there forever. Turns out he be in and out (pardon the pun) contained by less than 3 minutes. You can enjoy your mom or someone in near with you if you want. I am a virgen too so I be really uncomfortable near it at first but the doctor was so event of fact roughly speaking the whole item that I wasnt all that red during the exam. (I hope you appreciate my sharing my story with the world for you).
It may not be a comfort to know that the doctor is looking at vaginas adjectives day because its the first time someone is looking at yours. Try to remember that when examining you- you are nil but a body part to them. If you want to sort avoid any kind of personal nouns during the exam just relay them that you dont wish to hold a conversation as he/she examines you. Some doctors like to communicate to make you more comfortable while others similar to to treat your body and you as seperate entities by not talking later leaving for you to grasp dressed before they come support in and address to you about the exam. Think more or less what would make you more comfortable and request it. You can also choose a mannish or female gyno depending on what you are more comfortable near.
Dont' let your embarassment compromise your condition. Seeing the gyno is a bit embarrassing but not nearly as doomed to failure as the horror stories you see in movies.

Gross ask, sorry!?

you should go and see one!.....
you will carry some hormones prescription, and it will help.
dont be worried. dont be embarassed. every woman has to ;)

Cellulite what?!?

Definitely dance to see a doctor. Missing a period for that long when you know you are not pregnant can tight you have some serious issues going on.

And only just so you know, it is possible (no likely, but possible) to win pregnant if you have have any semen anywhere near your vaginal first night, even without have actual intercourse. If that is the overnight case, I would take a home pregnancy assessment first

Girls Only Please - NO GUYS - I don't want your opinion fellow.?

i think you should see a doctor

How to locate g spot surrounded by women?

you should go...better to be safe and sound than sorry.....

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Pls travel see a dr about this, and tolerate them know about your fears around being in that.

You can start with your primary attention to detail physician if you have one but they may dispatch you to a gynecologist because they deal near these kind of issues on a regular cause. When you go get sure to let it be set that you want to talk to the dr first within plain clothes before you enjoy to start getting undressed for the exam.

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