Is menopause influenced by our culture?

How does our culture view the convert of menopause? How is our cultures views of these change different than other cultures? What kind of messages are anyone sent to women about these change?

Worried about prom darkness? Girly problem!?

What a great question!

I judge our culture has have a huge impact on how women view thier own menopause and how others outlook women in menopause.

Since our culture is smitten with staying childish and looking beautiful, I regard facing menopause is hard for women because they enjoy to face the call a halt of their reproductive years. And, I think our society as a adjectives looks down on older women (and nearby is the whole practice of men trading in their wives for younger models!).

In other cultures, age is valued since it's renowned that wisdom comes next to age. I wish our culture be more like that!

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