I'm Wondering What Kinds of birth control are all out within?
My gyno did a pap on me and said I own high risk HPV..?
Your best bet is to double up -- condoms and birth control pills.
NEVER hold unprotected sex, because although pregnancy is a sexually transmitted event, far worse are HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Simplex, when you contract one of these viruses, it never go away. Then there are adjectives of the bacterial based STDS, that while you can clear it up, it will enjoy lasting effects on your reproductive organs and may result contained by sterility/infertility if at some point when you're an adult, married and want to own children.
Actually, speaking from experience since I was pretty promiscuous as a 16 year elderly girl, your best bet really is to abstain. I'm not saying this from a religious point of landscape, but from an emotional point of scene. Your body is a beautiful entry, and your love is a gift that single the best man deserves to have. Hooking up is seriously detrimental to your heart and soul.
Go Ask Alice! website is good to answer this sound out:
Good luck! BTW, I take Yasmin and I chose the pill because I own no problems remembering to take a pill once a morning.
Question about Fibroids and Pregnancy?
sweety u should reflect on bout less sex! thats might help out a lil. if ur not married then wat the hell u doin havin sex @ 16? if u r married THEN (sorry) :)p ask a DR.there is the shot there is the sponge the pill and condoms . the best way not to return with preggo is dont do it my kids are having kids
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MEI have a nothing sperm count
I am very discreat. 66
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