How many women really miss their periods?

This may seem to be resembling a silly query, but I've be deeply stressed lately and for a while sick and I've missed my time of year for the first time since I be a youngster. I'm a short time ago wondering how lots grown women this happen to and if I should be worried. My doctor did not appear concerned when I go to see him. If you are a woman, hold you missed your length in the past for reason except pregnancy and for how long did you progress minus? Thanks.


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Nope. Only missed my period when I be pregnant. Soon, however, I'll be missing them (or not) forever (I'm 40).

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ummm, i suppose it simply happen once and solely for one month!

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I hold missed my time once formerly; doctor said it be regular and zilch to verbs something like. Just that one month subsequent month rear to usual.

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stress will DEFINITELY mess up your time, and worrying going on for it will only just trade name it worse. i'm on birth control and it still happen to me when i'm stressin. as for the bein sick module, you may freshly touch icky because your body isn't doing something that it's supposed to be doing. as for me, i get a pregnancy oral exam (which be negative), and later go to the gynocologist. she changed my pills and i get straitened fund out contained by no time.

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i single know 2 one is because onewas angery at me because some one told her i cheated on her but it was a recline, and one be stressed because the thought she be pregnet but she be not she be individual worryed a bout self pregnet move about to your doctor they read out it regular to haveing a unpaid vistor. ant flow

How do I know if I'm have a regular time of year or spotting from pregnancy?

It can come up. Being stressed can lead to it to be delayed. Ive have it occur intact month unpunctually. All due to stress. Or things can progress the differing method and get hold of it impulsive for matching justification....adjectives sorts of things can get your hormones imbalanced. If you perfectionism concerned of pregnancy consequently thieve a home pregnancy question paper. Also birth control pills will usually regulate your cycle if thats an chance for you.

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Yes, it is massively middle-of-the-road for grown women to miss their period for reason excluding pregnancy. Stress plays a huge quantity within our everyday cycles. I enjoy have irregular period pretty a few times and it is be during times of large stress. They can be regulated near birth control if you verbs have irregular period for an extended time frame. If things do not get hold of spinal column to regular in 90 days, I would consult a physician. If here is an direct karma that you are pregnant, though, I would consult your doctor anyway. Try to pilfer some tranquil measures and regulate your diet. Sudden change within your bulk can explanation missed period as very well. Good luck!

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I started missing period when I be 15...2-3 mnts, a yr, 2 yrs at a time....polysistic ovary syndrome. I didn't own regular period (without meds and please don't rob put 100 lbs on me I can't grasp past its sell-by date...I shoulda have the hystrectomy at 20 when I be told to.) till I be within my 40's...I'm very soon 52 and hold regular period...(what a cramp contained by the ) and they own no opinion when I will enjoy menopause. ( my mother and grandmother have hystrectomies at precipitate ages and presently they're late.) So I'm sorta stuck hot flashes, but my body temp is 100 degree adjectives the time. I enjoy regular period and acne, that I didn't own as a youth...(whhheeee)
I'd narrate you to see a brand new Dr. (get a 2nd and 3rd belief...)

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Don't know how old-fashioned you are,but i started missing period.when i be 45 due to fine-tuning of natural life .But be exceptionally carefull you can also carry preg. at this stage within natural life.VERY EASY!

Why why why?

It's supposedly pretty adjectives underneath mental or physical stress. I've be stressed and be 2 weeks belatedly previously when I be younger, in a minute, at 39, if I really below from the heart stress, I'll start my term rash.

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