Late extent , very rough, clots?

I was worried a couple of days ago because my term was 3 days postponed. I have be on the pill for 3 years which regulated my period. Last dark i felt soo tired and dizzy next to a severe migraine. I had horrible nausea and couldnt sleep. I next started having severe cramps, almost impossible. I finally got my time of year during the nite and its extremely heavy beside lots of clots. It is different from my other periods. Explaination?

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I would go to your gynocologist and check for endometriosis or fibriods a moment ago to be sure you are ok. If nothing else, send for their office and ask if you should come contained by.

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Are you sexually helpful? OCs are 99+% effective, not 100%. Sounds approaching potentially a spontaneous abortion.

Irregular Period?

Well you should look at what youve been doing differnt, approaching sexual things ormedication and if it happendagain you should get checked your doctor or budge see a specialist.

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Also it could be clots that sometimes clog the opening of the cervix. Some inhabitants even have to own them removed by their physician. I don't think you necessitate to be extremely concerned, but it is something you should bring up with your doctor. Especially if it occur on a more regular basis - as signs from endometriosis or fibroids would.

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I have have this experience when i first started taking the pill. It was when I be dating my then boyfriend (who is in a minute my husband of 3 years.) I have researched it and in a minute know that this was in actual fact my first miscarriage. Many people don't want to guess of the pill as the equivalent of abortion, but the truth is that it doesn't always prevent pregnancy. The hormones surrounded by the pill make your uterine facing very tough, so much so that implantation cannot occur. So, whats disappeared is a fertilized embryo that has nowhere to walk but be flushed out. It was so heartbreaking (and the most extreme torment possible) to know that I was lied to and I no longer required to stay ignorant. I reflect you know deep down inside that this probably be a lost pregnancy. I am sorry for your loss and hope you reconsider using the pill as birth control. You might want to consider going to a doctor at tiniest to make sure at hand is no possibility of infection, or just to hold a regular papsmear. They might disagree with the truth roughly the pill, but I think you know. Good luck.

Is my birth control making me hungry?

maybe miscarriage

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